My aim is to investigate how the electrical resistance of a wire changes in relationship to its length.

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Resistance Investigation


Resistance is the property that transforms electrical energy into heat energy, in opposing electrical current.  A good conductor has a low resistance and a poor has a high resistance.  The resistance of a wire of a certain material increases as it’s cross-section area decreases and the resistance also depends on its material.  


My aim is to investigate how the electrical resistance of a wire changes in relationship to its length.  


In this investigation I will use a wire of 100cm (1m) in length, I will measure its resistance with a digital Multimeter.  I will change the length of the wire by moving the crocodile clips of the wire at intervals of 10cm on the wire, so every 10cm I will take a reading of the resistance.    

Preliminary work:

All materials, solid, liquid or gases are made up of atoms. The atoms themselves consist of a central bit, called the nucleus, made up of particles called protons (which have a positive electrical charge) and neutrons (which have no charge) Orbiting around the nucleus are electrons which are very tiny and have a negative electrical charge. You can think of the electrons orbiting in layers like the rings of an onion, and it's the ones in the outer layer, that are the most important when thinking about conduction.

In metals, the outermost electrons are held very weakly to the atom and often wonder away from it and go to another atom. These wandering electrons are called conduction electrons and the more of these there are, for a given volume of metal, the better the metal will be as a conductor of electricity. When you connect a battery across a wire, one end becomes positive and attracts the conduction electrons, which drift towards that end of the wire. But the electrons have obstacles to face because the metal atoms are moving about because of their thermal energy and so the electrons collide with them and are knocked all over. It's this difficulty that the electrons have in moving along the wire that we call resistance.

Resistance involves collisions of the current-carrying charged particles with fixed particles that make up the structure of the conductors. A resistor is a material that makes it hard for electrons to go through a circuit. Resistance occurs when electrons traveling along the wire collide with the atoms of the wire. 

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The unit of resistance is Ohms and the symbol is: Ω

The higher the resistance, the lower the current. If there is high resistance, to get the same current a higher voltage will be needed to provide an extra push for the electricity.

Some metals have less resistance than others. Wires are always made out of copper because copper has a low resistance and therefore it is a good conductor. The length and width of a wire also has an effect. 


I predict that the longer the piece of wire, the greater the resistance will be.

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