My Aim is to see how the weights of cupcake holders affect the terminal velocity of them when they are falling to the ground.

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Coursework on Terminal Velocity


        My Aim is to see how the weights of cupcake holders affect the terminal velocity of them when they are falling to the ground.


  • Tie a length of string with a marking every meter from the balcony to the floor.
  • Drop a paper cake case as it falls every time how long it takes to fall through each meter segment, to see if it reaches a steady speed.
  • Repeat this two times and work out the average result to correct any timing errors.
  • Add another paper cake case and repeat steps two and three again.
  • Do this with one, two, three, four and five cake cases.
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  • String
  • Pen (Marker)
  • Cake Cases
  • Meter ruler
  • Stopwatch

Fair Test

Reaction time is a problem with the people timing the cake cases while they are falling, I will do the test three times to get an average and hopefully correct any errors. I will also use the same time keepers each time.

Wind and a draft is a problem, I will try to do the experiment away from any doors and windows.


        I think that if a paper cake case is heavier it will fall faster, this is because ...

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