Ohm's Law Investigation

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Adam Burclaff

Ohm’s Law

Aim: How does the length of a piece of wire (which current is passing through) affect on its resistance?

Introduction: An electric current (D.C. – direct current) is a flow of charge from the positive terminal of a cell to the negative terminal. The charge is carried by conduction electrons, which are not fixed to a particular ion – they are called free electrons. When p.d. (potential difference) is applied across the ends of a wire (by a battery etc.) these electrons will move towards the positive terminal. Some of the electrons in metals are not bound to particular atoms, they are shared between them. These ‘delocalised’ electrons are free to move around the metal and are what actually carries the current. As the delocalised electrons are charged and can move, they can carry a current. The most important property which controls how well a certain metal conducts electricity is the number of delocalised electrons there are per atom. The more of these electrons there are in the metal the better it conducts electricity.

Basically, a copper wire consists of millions and millions of copper atoms. Each copper atom has one or two electrons which are not tight to the atom but are loosely held – and seeing as electrons have negative charges, once an atom loses an electron it becomes positively charged and is now called an ion. These ions vibrate as atoms always do, with these “free” electrons moving randomly from one ion to the next – this is true of all metals. A battery is applied to the circuit like so in this simple diagram…

…the free electrons are repelled by the negative terminal and attracted by the positive terminal. The free electrons still move randomly but now they move with a steady velocity towards the positive terminal and away from the negative one. This is now called a flow of charge.

Having explained the nature of the flow of charge, resistance is simply how hard it is for the electric charge to flow through something. The higher the resistance, the more energy is used up just getting the current through the wire/conductor. The resistance of a conductor (in this case the wire) is the ratio of the potential difference across it, to the current flowing through it. A resistor does not stop current from flowing; it just slows down the rate at which it flows.

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Charge (Q), flow (V) and resistance (R) are all linked, which is demonstrated by the fact that when current is decreased, resistance increases. We know the following formulae:

I=Q/T and R=V/I

This shows me that if the charge changes then the current will change. Therefore the resistance will change because to calculate resistance I use the current (i.e. if the current decreases than the resistance will increase).

There are many factors which affect the amount of resistance:

Length: If I increase the length of the wire, the resistance increases: the longer the wire the more resistance. This ...

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