Ohms Law - We are going to find out what factors affect the ammount of voltage in a wire.

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Ohms Law

We are going to find out what factors affect the ammount of voltage in a wire.


As soon as we turn on the power pack electrons are being forced through the wire. If we increase the voltage on the power pack this generates more heat in the wires but this can not be controlled. If the resistance wire is long it will take longer for the electrons to pass through. Just like if you were trying to run  round a running track and sombody was holding you back. It would take longer for you to do one lap if the coarse was very long. If the coarse was not very long you would do it in a much faster time.

Therefor the longer the resistance wire the higher the resistance.

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  1. 1 Power Pack
  1. 1 Volt Meter
  1. 2 Crocodile Clips
  1. 6 Insoluated wires
  1. A piece of resistance wire 50 cantermeters in length
  1. 1 Ammeter


The first thing to do is to collect all the pieces of apparatus on the list and setup the experament as shown. Turn on the power pack and set it to 2

 volts. Look at the reading on the voltmeter and ammeter then write them down. Turn off the power pack and wait for a few  seconds . Do this 3 times this will allow us to calculate a average. ...

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