osmosis. Aim To find out how much salt should be added to water to keep potato chips as they were when first chipped.

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Osmosis in Potatoes


To find out how much salt should be added to water to keep potato chips as they were when first chipped.

Introduction & Theory

Cells are surrounded by a cell membrane which has tiny holes in it. This is said to be partially permeable as it allows small molecules to pass through. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration (weak solution) to an area of low water concentration (strong solution) through a partially permeable membrane. Water actually moves both ways to try and even up the concentrations. If there is more movement one way we say there is a net movement of water into the area where there is less water. (See Figure 1)

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Figure 1

Osmosis makes plant cells swell up. The water moves into the plant vacuole and pushes against the cell wall. The cell wall stops the cell from bursting. This turgid state is useful as it gives the stem of the plant support. If the plant cell is lacking water, it wilts and the cell becomes flaccid as water has moved out of the cell. If a lot of water leaves the cell, the cytoplasm starts to peel away from the cell wall. The cell has undergone plasmolysis. (See figure 2)


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