Physics-Spring investigation

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Murad Azhar                                        Physics CW                                      Mr. Wilkinson

Spring Investigation (Physics Coursework)


For this investigation I will explore and examine the behaviour of springs when applied a weight and a force to them. I am aiming to achieve a direct relationship between the period it take to complete 30 oscillations and the weight applied to the spring.



Similar to my aim I predict a directly relationship between the period it takes to complete a number of oscillations and the weight or mass applied to the spring. This means that as I increase the amount of weight or mass the period should also increase. If there is a direct relationship between the period and the weight the graph should have a straight line because as the x value increases the y value should increase proportionally. This prediction is based on Hooke’s law which states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the weight or mass applied to it.

I will find out the correct equation after I get my results and convert them into a graph.

Fair testing:

Controlled variables:

        My controlled variables are the variables which I control/ have to control in each and every experiment that I carry out to make sure that all of them are extremely accurate and the results they produce are reliable.


My first controlled variable is the amount of extension I put on the spring before letting it go and timing it. I had decided on a fixed extension I would use on all experiments but after my preliminary experiments were carried out I found out that the amount of extension put on the spring did not affect the time it took for completing 30 oscillations. I controlled the amount of extension because I thought that it would affect the time it takes for a number of oscillations.  

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The next controlled variable is the number of oscillation for timing because if this variable wasn’t kept constant/ same during all the experiments then my results would be inaccurate and investigation unreliable. This would be because I would be carrying out different experiment each time if I change the number of oscillations.

I will also use the same spring each time because I believe that different springs have different elastic limits and therefore will affect my results.

Precision/ accuracy:

These are some things that I will have to do so that my experiments will remain ...

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