Preliminary work using a length of Resistance Wire.

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Preliminary work using a length of Resistance Wire (constantan)


In this investigation I will be trying to find out the resistance of a piece of constantan wire.  I know that according to ohms law, the p.d is proportional to the current so if the p.d doubles so will the current. Through past experiments I know how to work out resistance, to work it out I use this formula

Where the resistance is R, the p.d is V and the current is C, from this you can work out the resistance of any circuit.

Aim of the Preliminary

The aim of this preliminary work involves making decisions about the length and thickness of the wire, which will be suitable for the main investigation

The preliminary work will only involve one type of wire – constantan because there are available 5 different thicknesses of this wire and very few of other wires in the department.

The 5 different thicknesses of wire I am testing are

  1. 36 SWG (very thin)
  1. 34 SWG
  1. 30 SWG
  1. 28 SWG
  1. 26 SWG (very thick)

I tested all the wires at 3 volts, first I set up the equipment as shown below (Diagram) and then recording the results on the table below



As you can see from the results the wire of SWG 30 has a good range of current for the 3 lengths chooses; 0.81A to 1.72A. they both could easily be measured on the ammeters available. If I continue to use 3V voltage across this wire I predict the current will get bigger that 1.72A as the length of the wire gets shorter. Also I suspect it will not exceed 5A which may happen if I opt for a wire of SWG 28 or 26. The finer wires if short may get too hot and glow. Therefore I have decided to use SWG 30 constantan wire. I also will not use the scale on the power pack for setting the voltage across the wire; it is too inaccurate as the scale is only marked off in steps of 2 volts

Investigation to find out the resistance of different lengths of 30 SWG wire


In this investigation I will be trying to find out the resistance of different lengths of 30 SWG wire, the voltage will be kept constant and the only variable we are changing is the length.

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I think that the smaller the wire the smaller the resistance because i know 4 factors that affect resistance: temp, thickness, length and material of wire these effect the resistance because

Temp: as the temperature increases the atoms in the wire vibrate more, each one moving around a fixed point so it can only move a certain distance from this. There is more chance of the electrons colliding with the vibrating atoms, so less current can flow. An increase in temperature increases the resistance of a wire.

Thickness: If a wire is thicker, the moving electrons in a ...

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