Rate of Reaction Investigation

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Rate of Reaction Investigation:


The rate of reaction measures how fast a chemical reaction occurs. You can change the rate of reaction in different ways such as changing the concentration of either the Sodium Thiosulphate Solution or the hydrochloric acid. Temperature can also be used to change the rate of reaction as the hotter the temperature is the faster the reaction occurs. I could also use a catalyst to provide a lower energy route for the reaction to occur. This would cause the speed of reaction to increase as it would increase the collisions. Although in this case I am not using a catalyst in my experiment so this means that I have controlled this key factor. In my experiment I am not using surface area as a facto but I do know that the small the particle the faster the reaction. This only applies when using solids in an experiment.

Preliminary Work: Results Table

These are the preliminary results. This was when we were experimenting and practising how to do the method. Whilst doing this we determined which dilution of STS and the acid worked the best and came up with reliable and accurate times. These below are the five best dilutions we came up with:

After choosing my best five solutions we started to time each dilution. We repeated the method three times with the same solutions. This made my results more reliable and I was able to attain an average time for each dilution.

Before doing my final experiment I tried different solutions to decide which one was the best to use and which was the most reliable every time by looking at the results for my final experiment. To start with I used large and small measuring tube to measure out the amount of both the hydrochloric acid and the Sodium Thiosulphate solution. Whilst pouring the acid and STS into the large and small measuring tube I didn’t spill any. I poured the acid and the STS into a conical flask, which is good because it doesn’t allow any liquids to spill out.

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These below are the five different dilution ranges that I have tried along with the times taken:

The formula to work out the rate of reaction is =        1 

                                                                                Average time

I tried 5 different dilution ranges and I have come to a conclusion that the best one is:

It is the ...

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This coursework in terms of spelling, grammar and punctuation was great with the exception of a few sentences that needed altering. The student used technical terms; however I noticed that the student abbreviated the word Sodium Thiosulphate as STS on several occasions. This is not a good habit in chemistry, and as the coursework was typed out on the computer, it would have been better if the whole word Sodium Thiosulphate was written, if not, then the formula Na2S2O3 would have sufficed.

I was disappointed to see that the student included no analysis whatsoever. The coursework was written more as an explanation and description rather than an analysis. As a student that has already partaken in many similar investigations, I have learnt that analysis is key, and although the student has included their final readings, there is no sign of a graph, neither any detailed breakdown of the results.

The students response to the question, or rather investigation, was set out good, with necessary precautions taken into action and also explained the reasoning behind it. The student carried out preliminary tests before the actual test, making sure the results were as accurate as possible both times, which is excellent practice for any chemical experiment. Another great thing is the inclusion of suggestions and improvements of what could have been better. However, in all chemical experiments, it is also good practice to give a prediction and explain the reasoning and theory behind everything. This coursework includes none of that, and whilst every procedure of the experiment is described explicitly, one of the most important features has been missed out which could mean a difference of grade. The coursework includes two diagrams at the bottom that have no caption or explanation showing it is unfinished which is not a good way of submitting coursework.