Rates of Reaction - Molarity.

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Chemistry Coursework - Rates of Reaction - Molarity (Concentration)

Aim: to find out if the concentration of HCl affects the amount of hydrogen gas given off when a magnesium strip is added.


Gas syringe - to take all the gas from the reaction and measure it

Test tube - to hold the two reactants

Measuring cylinder - to measure amount of water and acid

Stop watch - to time the reaction

Delivery tube - to deliver the hydrogen into the gas syringe

Ruler + Scissors - to measure and cut the magnesium


Magnesium strip

Hydrochloric acid

2HCl + Mg H2 + MgCl2

Preliminary Work:

From preliminary work I have found out that using 20 cm3 of acid and using 2 cm of magnesium for 1 minute gives off sufficient gas to measure accurately and I also found that for the molarity I should not go lower than 0.6 as there of gas given off will be too slow. This is how I did the experiment:

* I set up the experiment as shown above

* Added 2 cm of magnesium strip to 20 cm3 of HCl

* I then wrote down the volume of the gas every 5 secs for 1 minute of the reaction

* Use concentrations 1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1 M to see which would be suitable.

Scientific Knowledge:

A chemical reaction needs reactant particles to collide successfully for it to take place. For the chance of a successful collision to take place more frequent collisions need to occur. These four factors affect the frequency of collisions therefore affecting the rate of reaction:

Concentration - there are more acid particles in the same volume so they are more likely to collide with the magnesium particles.
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Temperature - when the temperature is increased the particles gain kinetic energy, which means the particles vibrate more which in turn means they are more likely to collide successfully.

Surface Area - a larger surface are means more particles are exposed. Therefore as larger number of collisions occur

Catalyst - the catalyst lowers the amount of energy needed for a collision without taking part therefore more successful collisions will take place.

However I am only testing concentration so from this knowledge I know that the higher the concentration the more likely that the particles will ...

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