Report on Acid rain.

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Acid rain is a well-known phrase that is being heard more and more often during the past few decades. We all know that it exists but many do not understand what it is.

Two days ago on the 28th of February, a major conference took place between the countries in the European union about the high amount of acid rain being deposited. This meeting was very substantial because the problem of acid rain needed to be solved. The western part of Europe is being affected the most.

The global issue which was being discussed at this meeting involved a environment minister representative from each European country, the transport industry, scientists who had expert knowledge on the causes and

Effects of acid rain, and finally the environmentalists who had explicit experiences on some solutions to acid rain.

During this conference many solutions were brought up as well as the causes, effects, and some solutions later on.

Before this meeting could initiate the scientists went on first to describe acid rain. The scientists who explicated how acid

Rain is formed was a former Swedish international called jioltovisch Blomquist. He said the following “Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many

People believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. It is formed when hot air rises from power stations and most forms of transport. These gases contain sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that within a day or 250km of the source dry and deposit on clouds. A process called oxidation occurs to turn the dry gasses into acids. The new products are called sulphuric acid and nitric acid. These acids in the rain are very destructive”. The reason why there is so much disagreement between the countries in the EU is because all the countries in the EU are not getting effected. At this conference one of the environmentalists presented his solution, he said, “countries which are emitting the most amount of sulphur should engage in reducing it”. The British minister was fast to respond and replied “why should we change our policy if the other countries are not”. It was reported that a verbal lecture was given to the British minister about using invalid language when asked a question.

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The problems a country can face whilst trying to depreciate their emissions can cause many problems within the country like for example last March when the  

Japanese Panasonic factory closed down it left 300 people unemployed. Another scientist said “For many years, there was considerable debate and disagreement over what caused acid rain. Recent scientific work, however, has helped to clarify this

The primary causes of acid rain are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

Below there is a pie chart showing were the emissions come from.

These chemicals ...

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