Acid Rain.

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       ACID RAIN    

  An international concern

Gursharn Sandhu



Acid rain:

“I am for, the reduction of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, emissions, by 90% by the year 2010. We need to take drastic action because the effects on us are all very serious. We must protect ourselves and safeguard our future.”

Acid rain is the term used to describe one of the worst effects of nature. Acid rain is a mixture of sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, which are gasses being emitted into our atmosphere. These gases combine with water droplets in the atmosphere, to produce acid rain. These toxic gasses enter the clouds, so rain is highly acidic. As a result of acid rain, we suffer from terrible air pollution, so the government should recognize, this problem, and do something about it. Acid rain has a pH of about 2. This makes it very harmful, and dangerous.


Acid rain is produced in countries with areas that are surrounded by industrialised buildings, such as coal fire power stations, working factories, which produce a lot of pollution, and which burn fossil fuels, and places where a lot of cars go by. Acid rain comes from mainly the U.K and U.S.A. Acid rain enters the clouds and is carried to other countries by south - westerly prevailing winds; mainly in the northern hemisphere. As you can see on the previous, page there is a picture showing you how acid rain, travels, and affects areas.

Acid rain can be cause by many things. Mainly it is - industrial emissions from factories and power plants that burn fuels such as natural gas, coal or oil; emit smoke that gives off oxides, of sulphur and nitrogen, which is one environmental cause. Another environmental cause is vehicles (e.g. buses cars, lorries) that burn diesel and gasoline. The exhausts again emit, sulphur and nitrogen oxides.                                        

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As much as 85% of coal mined in the U.S.A is burned; that is a very large amount.                                          

Acid rain has seriously harmed forests, soil, lakes, rivers and buildings. In Scandinavia large areas of coniferous forest are dying. Trees and vegetation has been destroyed. Increasing acidity in the soil has become an economical effect for farmers, as their crops are dying and they do not have much to ...

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