Resistor Investigation

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Gunjan Jain

11D - Science

MYP Y11 Science – Resistor Investigation



Resistance is simply the force, which opposes the flow of electrons through an electrical conductor. In a circuit the free electrons cannot always keep moving at the same speed all through out the circuit. This force is known as resistance, which can also be defined as the property of an electrical conductor to work against the flow of current and thus changing some of the electrical energy into heat. The resistance of a specific object can be determined by several factors such as:

  • Length of the Wire
  • Thickness/Width of the Wire
  • Material of the Wire
  • Temperature
  • EMF Supply
  • Wire Density

In this Investigation I would be testing only one variable/factor from the above list, which is the length of the wire.


To find out how resistance of a wire is affected by different lengths.


        I think that as the length of the wire increases the amount of resistance will also increase in proportion to the length. This is quite obvious because as the size of the resistor increases the amount of atoms will also increase in proportion. Hence the current flowing through will have to flow through a greater number of atoms in a longer wire compared to a shorter wire. In a longer wire there are more wire particles acting like a obstacle that the flowing current of electrons can bang into. Therefore the with more wire particles, there would be greater collisions and thus the current flow would decrease, and which further increases the amount of resistance.

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  • Ammeter
  • Voltmeter
  • Power Pack
  • Roll of Nichrome Wire
  • Meter Ruler
  • Crocodile Clips
  • Wire Cutter/Scissors
  • Sticky Tape


  1. Gather all the necessary equipment.
  2. Take the Nichrome Wire only and the meter ruler. Tape one end of the Nichrome Wire on the zero end of the ruler.
  3. Measure and cut using the scissors/wire cutter wires with the size of 10 cm; 15 cm; 20 cm; 25cm; 30 cm; 35 cm; 40 cm; 45cm and 50 cm.
  4. Then assemble the circuit as shown below and in place of the resistor ...

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