Seed Investigation

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Seed Investigation


        In this investigation my task was to compare different growing conditions and find out which condition the cress seeds grew and germinated best in. These conditions included light intensity and wetness. I am testing these conditions because they are the main sources of energy for the plants we will be using. I know for a fact that the seeds will not germinate without any of these vital conditions, these are: a supply of water, oxygen and temperature. Is very important, but only a little is required. Water will turn the seedlings into an aqueous condition in which enzymes are fully functional. It helps to convert stored starch into sugar and proteins into amino acids. Water is used for transport, it transports nutrients from the soil and from one part of the leaf to another. It expands the newly formed cells and causes the shoot to grow and stay that way. The rate of entry varies with the type of seed. Oxygen is necessary for germination because it is needed for respiration to perform both chemical and mechanical work. It must constantly make new cells and physically drive its roots downward and its shoot upwards. The energy required for this is released as a result of oxidation, which cannot start without a supply of oxygen.

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Equation: Oxygen + Glucose= Carbon dioxide + Water.

Enzymes are biological catalysts i.e. they speed up reactions. The substance, which the enzyme acts on, is the substrate and the new substance or substances formed as the result of the reaction are the products. Molecules are constantly bumping and moving about into each other. When a substrate molecule bumps into a molecule of the right enzyme, it fits into a depression on the surface of the enzyme molecule. This depression is called an active site. The reaction then takes place and the molecules of product leave the active site. One of ...

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