Should Embryonic Stem Cell Research Be Allowed?

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Should Embryonic Stem Cell Research Be Allowed?


Page 1 : Introduction

Page 2 : What are Embryonic Stem Cells and how are they produced?

Page 3 : How can Embryonic Stem Cells treat and cure illnesses, and which illnesses are they?

Page 4 and 5 : What other types of Stem Cells are there, and why are Embryonic Stem Cells more useful?

Page 6 : What is the evidence and opinions that Embryonic Stem Cells will treat and cure illnesses?

Page 7 : What other alternatives could treat and cure these illnesses?

Page 8 : Are there any risks to using Embryonic Stem Cells?

Page 9 : What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Embryonic Stem Cells?

Page 10 and 11 : Why do many people object to the use of Embryonic Stem Cells?

Page 12 : What is the law on the use of Embryonic Stem Cells in different parts of the World?

Page 13 : Conclusion

Pages 14 and 15 : Bibliography


Embryonic Stem Cell Research has been hailed for the potential to revolutionize the future of medicine with the ability to regenerate damaged and diseased organs. On the other hand, Embryonic Stem Cell Research has been highly controversial due to the ethical issues concerned with the culture and use of Stem Cells derived from human embryos.

After carefully considering and studying different views and facts, and having come to my own conclusion, I have decided to focus my case study on this question:

Should Embryonic Stem Cell Research Be Allowed?

What are Embryonic Stem Cells and how are they produced?

What are Embryonic Stem Cells?

Embryonic Stem Cells are unspecialised stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of an early stage embryo, known as a blastocyst. Embryonic Stem Cells are pluripotent. This means they are able to differentiate into any kind of specialised cell found in the body.

How are they produced?

Embryonic Stem Cells are produced when and egg and a sperm cell meet, known as fertilisation. This meeting of the egg and the sperm cell creates a zygote (fertilised egg cell), which later develops into an embryo. The cells in the embryo divide, forming Embryonic Stem Cells, and the subsequent divides of each cell create more and more Embryonic Stem Cells. This dividing process continues until the Embryonic Stem Cells are triggered to become specialised.

This is a picture of a group of cells within a blastocyst.

How can Embryonic Stem Cells treat and cure illnesses, and which illnesses are they?

Embryonic  have the ability to replace damaged cells in the body that would otherwise not be replenished.
This property has led scientists to investigate the possible use of Embryonic Stem Cells in
. In particular, scientists are very excited about the potential use of Embryonic Stem Cells in the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's, heart disease, and diabetes, for which there are currently no cures.
It is hoped that by transplanting the appropriate Embryonic Stem Cells into the damaged or diseased tissue of an individual, the transplanted Embryonic Stem Cells will regenerate the various cell types of that tissue. Bone marrow transplants and skin grafting are established examples of regenerative medicine.

Those who support Embryonic Stem Cell research believe it could lead to possible cures for illnesses such as:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Scleroderma
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Spinal Cord Injuries

What other types of Stem Cells are there, and why are Embryonic Stem Cells more useful?

Other types of Stem Cells

There are different types of Stem Cells. Some of these include:

  • Early Embryonic Stem Cells

These cells occur when a newly fertilised zygote begins to divide, producing a group of cells. Early Embryonic Stem Cells are totipotent – can become any kind of cell in the body.

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  • Blastocyst Embryonic Stem Cells

These cells occur when the embryo forms a structure called a blastocyst, which has cells contained in the inner cell mass. Blastocyst Embryonic Stem Cells are multipotent – can become almost any kind of cell in the body.

  • Fetal Stem Cells

These cells occur when the embryo is referred to the foetus, and the cells are responsible for the initial development of tissues. Fetal Stem Cells are pluripotent.

  • Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

These cells occur when the umbilical cord is removed from the infant, and the cells are found in the blood from the cord. ...

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