Should stem cells be used for making donor organs?

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Contents:                                                       Page:


What is stem cell growth?

Ethical Problems

Types of stem cells

Arguments for…

Arguments against…

The history of…

What can be achieved by it?



In my coursework, I shall be addressing the following issues:

  • The Ethical issues,
  • What stem cell growth is,
  • What the different types of stem cells are,
  • What the arguments  for and against this subject are,
  • I have also asked 3 people about their views on the subject, I have typed up their views on the subject,
  • The history of stem cell research and how it has developed over the years,
  • How stem cell research can be used,
  • And finally concluding my work with a balanced overview of everything I have said.


Ethical problems:

  • Some believe that as soon as the egg is fertilized that it is a human being and a human being with a well defined identity so cannot just be considered as a mass of cells.

  • If this is so, each person has the right to its own life and therefore the intervention of scientists is a breach of that right.

  • Catholics believe that as soon as a zygote (a fused egg and sperm cell) is made, that it deserves respect, an unconditional respect which is morally due to all human beings.

  • Many are untrusting of the way that stem cells are collected. This is not assisted by the media.

What is stem cell growth?

  • Stem cells are found in the womb, whilst a baby is forming (in the early embryonic cells, the foetus, the placenta and the umbilical cord), but also until the body has fully developed.

  • Stem cells are the cells which make up al the cells in the body. They are un-specialized which means they can form any cells that the body may need to develop fully.
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  • To make these cells (needed by the body), the stem cell grows, and makes more organelles, and then all the chromosomes inside the nucleus are copied. This is by a process called mitosis;

  • This is where the chromosomes copy themselves which makes them double stranded. Inside the cell, protein strands (which are attached to each end of the cell) begin to grow, when they are fully grown they pull the double stranded chromosomes apart. The cytoplasm also divides and both are identical. Then the cell begins to split having two different sets of chromosomes to form its ...

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