Some materials are better insulators than others. Investigate various materials and discuss thier relative value as insulators.

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Aim:   to investigate the various materials are good or bad insulators.


I think that in my experiment, I am going to discover that some materials are better insulators than others. I will be looking at different various types of insulators and I will be testing these materials. I will be testing these materials to see which the best insulator is and what bad insulators are. I am trying to see what material looses its trapped air easily and what material can hold the trapped air the longest. I think that the thickest material will keep the trapped air the longest and the thinnest material will loose it trapped air the fastest. I also think the more layers of materials will decrease the heat loose of its object.

Prediction: In my prediction I think that the fur would be the best insulator because it is used to make clothing that keeps us warm everyday. I think that bubble wrap would be the weaker insulator of the two because it is not used often to keep things warm, but is more likely to be used to keep something from getting broken.  

Hypothesise:  Some jackets are made of fur, to keep people warm or because it is very trendy, the fur traps the heat and allows little heat to be lost. The fur only allows little draft to come in side the material and also allows a little heat to be lost on the outside. The bubble wrap is used to keep fragile objects protected; the bubble wrap has trapped air in little bubbles this is to protect the fragile object when it falls and work as a shock absorber.


In my research I found out that the more layers of cloths is warmer than having just one thick layer of clothing. This is because when heat is trying to escape the body. The heat has to travel through lots of layers than just one thick layer. This is because the heat will get trapped as it travels through the clothing. This is like Modern cavity walls. Each wall is made from two single brick walls separated by a gap or cavity. The air in the cavity is a good insulator, but convection currents can transfer energy out of the top of the wall. Builders can fill the gap with glass fibre when they build the wall. This is called cavity wall insulation. The fibres trapped air and stop convection currents. You can also inject foam into existing cavity walls. The payback time fir the cavity walls insulation is between three and six years.

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In my past knowledge and experience I know that material can be effected by three main causes


In conduction the particles vibrate slowly at first, as they absorb heat energy they vibrate faster. They pass the vibration to the adjoining particle. The energy (heat) is transferring along the metal rod. Conduction can only occur in solids as the particles are too far apart. Conduction is the flow of the heat through matter of places of higher temperature places of lower temperature without movement of the matter as ...

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