Super Conductivity

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Super Conductivity:

Perhaps no greater proof of the “Aumic” Theory exists than in the phenomenon of super conductivity. The present theory of Cooper pairing , where electrons actually join together in pairs is a highly suspect conclusion. To illustrate this take the following example:

What would be the force of interaction between two spheres each having a volume of 1 cm3

if the discrepancy between the charges would be one part in 10 9 ? In other words let each sphere contain 10 –9 x 10 23 non-compensated electrons or protons. The resulting force of interaction between such spheres placed at a distance of 1 cm would be 10 tons !

This is a huge amount of force. To state that two electrons can join together is the same as saying that an electron can exist in the nucleus , it is an impossibility. Further the Pauli Exclusion Principle which governs the behaviour of fermions (i.e electrons ) forbids two electrons to be in identical states. To put it simply , one electron can occupy only one state.

The currently reigning theory with respect to superconductivity is known as the BCS theory (named after John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, and J. Robert Schrieffer): The BCS theory describes a pairing of conduction electrons by some inter electron attraction and a condensation of these pairs, “Cooper pairs”, to form a macroscopic quantum state. The superconductor’s electrical resistance is zero because the Cooper pair condensate moves as a coherent quantum mechanical entity, which atomic lattice vibrations and impurities cannot disrupt by scattering individual Cooper pairs in the same manner they scatter single conduction electrons -- the latter being the reason electrical circuits have resistance.

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The critical elements in reaching the superconducting state are for conduction electrons to somehow form Cooper pairs, which then in turn automatically condense into a coherent flow, the “coherent” aspect being similar to that of a laser, i.e. everybody in step!

How the Cooper pairs are formed ( according to the present theory ) is obviously a critical factor in superconductivity. One theory is an electron passing by the crystal lattice of atoms in the conductor distorts the lattice in such a way the next electron is attracted to the lattice distortion. Or instead of the electron-pairing being mediated ...

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