The determination of the Water Potential of Potato Tuber Cells

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Joe Riley

AS assessed practical investigation

The determination of the Water Potential of Potato Tuber Cells


I predict that the potatoes in the solutions with the highest sucrose content will shrink and lose weight and that the potatoes in the weakest solutions will gain weight and increase in size.  The ones in the solution where the sucrose and water content is the same as the potatoes sucrose and water content, will not increase or decrease in size and will not increase or decrease in weight.  I think this is because of a process that takes in the potato place called osmosis.  This is when water molecules diffuse from a dilute solution into a concentrate solution through a semi permeable membrane.


  • Collect all needed apparatus.
  • Label 6 test tubes, relating to the strength of solution being placed in them, 1 being distilled water, 6 being 0.5 molarity sucrose solution.  Fill the test tube one third full with the appropriate solution.
  • Using a cork borer and a razor blade prepare 6 cylinders of potato 10mm in diameter and 12mm in length.  Slice up each cylinder of potato into 6 equally sized pieces and place onto filter paper, making sure that the groups of 6 are kept together and not mixed with any other group of six from another cylinder.
  • Weigh each group of discs and record.
  • Place each group of discs into a solution and note the solution they were place in on the same table as the weights.  Place a stoppers firmly into the test tubes and leave for not less than 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, remove each group of discs and reweigh the discs, making sure that all excess liquid is dried up quickly.  Record the new weight on the same table as before.
  • Work out the mass change in the groups, do this by subtracting the initial weight from the new weight.  Then work out the percentage change in the potato.  Do this by dividing the change in mass by the initial weight.
  • Plot a graph showing percentage change in weight against the molarity of the solutions.
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My results showed that as the molarity of the solution increased, the weight loss in the potato’s also increased.  This is due to the process known as osmosis and water potential within the different substance strengths.

The discs in the weaker substances gain weight because the water potential outside the cells is greater than that inside the cells, meaning that the water molecules move from the region of high potential (outside the ...

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