To determine the isotonic point of plant tissue (potato).

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To determine the isotonic point of plant tissue (potato).


This experiment is to determine the role of water potential of tissues in plants most particularly the movement of water into and out of potato storage tissue so that the isotonic point can be identified.


Potato is a plant that contains more starch grains and immature chloroplasts in the plant cells. Thus it has a lot of starch and little or no mono or disaccharides. I would predict that the when the potato chip is left in the solution it will increase in mass or decrease if the concentration of the solution is high or low. This is so because as the solute concentration increases this creates a hypertonic solution, thus more cell sap will be lost to create an osmotic balance. Also as the solute concentration decreases it creates a hypotonic solution and so less cell sap is lost but more solution is gained into the cell sap from the surrounding solution to create and maintain an osmotic balance.

At a certain concentration of solute, there will be no change in mass of the potato. This is because the concentration of the surrounding solution and the potato will be the same. Therefore there is no movement of solute molecules in either direction. This point is known as the isotonic point of the plant tissue.
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. Volume of solution in water glasses, test tubes etc. will remain constant though the concentration may vary.

2. Length, weight and volume of potato chip will be kept constant as near as possible. The same apparatus will be used to cut all the chips. This means the length, weight and volume of the chip will be the same and any change in mass or length will be recorded.

3. The time for the period in which the chip is kept in solution will be kept constant as possible. The experiment ...

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