Isotonic Point of Potatoes

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To determine the isotonic point of a potato.

Research Question:

To determine the isotonic point of a potato by placing it in different concentrations of salt (NaCl) solution and measuring the change in mass after a fixed time period.

Background Information

Osmosis is defined as the movement of water molecules from a region of low solute concentration, to a region of high solute concentration, through a semi permeable membrane, which is one that allows only certain small particles to pass through. A solution with a high water concentration, or low solute concentration is also called a hypotonic solution, and one with a low water concentration is known as a hypertonic solution.

When a cell is placed inside a hypertonic solution, water molecules diffuse out of the cell (which has a higher water concentration, or is hypotonic) through the cell membrane, due to the high solute concentration outside the cell. This process is called exosmosis, and it makes the cell flaccid, as it loses water. The very theory can be applied to plants, which causes wilting.

When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water molecules diffuse from the solution into the cell, as the solvent concentration of the cell is lower. This causes the cell to become turgid, and it is called endosmosis.

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A solution which has the same concentration as that of the cell has no concentration gradient as both the cell and its environment have the same water potential. Thus the net movement of water is zero and the system is in equilibrium. Water molecules flow in and out at an equal rate by osmosis, causing the cell size to stay the same. Such a solution is called an isotonic solution, and the concentration at which this occurs is the isotonic point of the cell. Thus when cells are placed in such a solution, there should be no change in the mass.

Brief Outline Method (Provided in instructional sheet):

  • In this experiment the isotonic point of potato will be found.
  • The potato slices will be kept in salt (sodium chloride) solutions of different concentrations.
  • Some of the solutions would be relatively hypertonic, and some would be hypotonic, assuming constant potato concentration.
  • After a period of time, the change in mass of the potato slices will be obtained. A graph would be plotted of concentration against percentage change in mass.
  • From the graph the concentration where there is no change in mass can be obtained, hence the isotonic point of the potato can be determined.


  • Potato Slicer
  • Two potatoes
  • Digital balance (±0.01g)
  • A few tissue papers
  • 5 beakers (100ml)
  • A Measuring cylinder
  • A marker
  • A Scalpel
  • Sodium Chloride (salt) solutions of the following molar concentration – 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M, 0.4M and 0.5M
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  • Cut out 25 small cylinders of potato using the cork borer.
  • Using a ruler make sure that the potato cylinders are of the same length. Cut the potato cylinders to the same length using a knife.
  • Measure 50ml of each solution into five different beakers
  • Label the beakers with a marker to know which beaker has which solution
  • Using a marker, label each of the five potato cylinders (from numbers 1-5) that are to be placed in each beaker. Thus five different trials would be obtained for each concentration.
  • Then measure ...

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"This is an extremely well written report that contains a high level of detail. 1. The background information is well researched. 2. The variables section contains a high level of detail. 3. The results have been well analysed. 4. The conclusion is complete. 5. The evaluation shows a good understanding of scientific processes. 6. The report is well structured.