To find out the effects of changing the surface area of a potato chip has on the rate of reaction between catalase and hydrogen peroxide.

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Carol James 10R                        Biology Coursework   


To find out the effects of changing the surface area of a potato chip has on the rate of reaction between catalase and hydrogen peroxide.

Background Information: 

The catalase, which is an enzyme, is found in the cells of plants and animals so potato will be used in this experiment. It breaks up hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. An enzyme is a chemical, which makes a reaction happen more quickly, they are also known as biological catalysts. Enzymes can be affected by pH, temperature or the concentration of the enzyme or the substrate.

Basic Plan:

In the preliminary test, measure the height of foam in different temperatures every minute, to see which temperature the experiment should be kept at. In the main experiment we are going to measure the volume of gas given off every 30 seconds.

Factors and Fair Testing:

The temperature the solution has an affect on the experiment. The higher the temperature of the solution, the quicker the reaction, until it reaches a certain point. Then the rate of reaction will then decrease. This is due to the kinetic energy of the particles within the solution. When heat energy is transferred into the solution from the water bath this gives the enzymes and the substrates kinetic energy resulting in more collisions and therefore more reactions. However, when the temperature of the solution reaches a certain point the kinetic energy of the enzyme (catalase) and substrate (hydrogen peroxide) will continue to increase but the structure of the active site within the enzyme will start to deform due to the conditions. This is known as denaturing. When active site changes due to the heat the substrates will no longer fit and the rate of reaction will decrease as there are no longer any enzyme substrates complexes.

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We used this factor for our preliminary test to determine which temperature to use in our experiment, as it would affect the results. We set up 5 test tubes with potato and hydrogen peroxide and kept them in the chosen temperatures. We measured the height of foam in cm. Obviously the temperature with the highest foam height worked the best at that temperature.

Preliminary Test results

The reaction worked best at room temperature, producing the biggest height of foam. This is the temperature we will use in our main ...

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