To study the factors, which affect the way in which wind vanes can be used to control the rate at which a weight falls.

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KS3 Physics Practical – Wind Vanes

Introduction: A Typical Wind vane

Wind turbine generators are increasingly used as alternative sources of electricity generation. They are much less harmful to the environment than other sources of energy, but are not always practical because they require average wind speeds of at least 21 km/h (13 mph).

Properly placed wind turbines can generate electric power anywhere the wind blows steady and strong.

Wind turbines use the momentum of moving air to quietly turn large blades that are attached to the shaft of an efficient electric generator


To study the factors, which affect the way in which wind vanes can be used to control the rate at which a weight falls.


A fan creates air resistance. If one fan creates air resistance, then more fans would create more drag. This is because with more air hitting the fans, more drag is created. Another way to make more air hit the fans is to increase the surface area of the fans. More drag means that it is harder for the wind vane to push the air around, so the wind vane will rotate slower.

Fair Test:

Below are key points, which need to be carried out in to have a fair test:

  • Width of the fan has to stay the same throughout the experiment.
  • Same amount of weight added to the string.
  • Keep the length of the string same.
  • Time the experiment accurately.
  • Repeat the experiment for better and clearer results.
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The factors, which would affect the way in which a wind vane works would firstly be which type of materials are used. This is important as different material take in different amounts of wind eg. Plastic vs steel. It would also be the same with card pieces of  different lengths. The other factors would be the friction between the knitting needle and glass-rod as this may slow down the speed of the wind vane. If there are more cards added to the cork the air resistance will increase. The force of wind hitting the fan is also ...

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