Biology Lab Design Glucose concentration

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Carbohydrates can be divided into two major groups; sugars and non sugars.  These two groups can further be broken down into monosaccharides and disaccharides. Reducing sugars are all monosaccharides. Monosaccharides contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The general formula is (CH2O2). Reducing sugars possess a free aldehyde group and include the sugars glucose, galacose, fructose and lactose. Benedict’s reagent will be used to test the filtered juice extracts of different fruits for the presence of reducing sugar. In order to facilitate the experiment and to avoid doing serial dilutions, a colorimeter will be used to compare the colours obtained. It must be taken into account that ripe fruits will usually have a higher amount of reducing sugar. Apples have a free glucose content of approximately 2.4 g/100g, pineapples have a free glucose content of 1.7g/100g; which is lower than in apples.

Teacher’s Aim

To find the concentration of reducing sugar in fruits

General Aim

To compare the amount of glucose concentration (reducing sugar) present in five different fruits.


I predict that the amount of reducing sugar will be different in all 5 fruits as they all come from different varieties.


Controlled variables are maintained at a constant

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1 x 1 fruits (tomato, orange, apple, pear, grape)

5 x 1 test tubes

1 x 1 10cm3 graduated cylinder

1 x 2 syringe

1x 5 filter paper

1x1 funnel

1 x 1 Scalpel

1 x 1 Forcep

5 x 1 cuvette

1 x 1 colorimeter (COLOURWAVE CO7500 COLORIMETER)

1 x 1 test tube holder

1 x 1 electric water bath

1 x 1 beaker

12 cm3 benedict’s solution 


  1. five test tubes were labelled(S1, S2, S3, S4, S5)
  2. The Apples were crushed using a blender
  3. The juice obtained was filtered using ...

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