Ch. 10  Food and Diets  [食物與膳食]  (Notes)

HK people’s diet (lunch or dinner at foodshop)  too much salt, fats (causes coronary heart disease), energy/sugar (snack eg. soft drink/chocolates), food additives (eg. artificial pigments); NOT enough vitamin, dietary fibre.

  [香港人通常都在外面吃午或晚餐, 有太多鹽、脂肪(引至血管阻塞及心臟病)、能量/糖 (小食 eg. 汽水/巧克力)、食物添加劑 (eg. 人造色素); 而不夠維生素(尤其維生素C)及 食用纖維]

Mode of nutrition (human): heterotrophic nutrition (consume organic food);   the organism: heterotroph

 [人類的營養方式: 異養營養(要進食有機食物);   用這種方式的生物: 異養生物。

Food types [食物種類]:

1.        Carbohydrates[碳水化合物]: sources: starch (_______________), sugar (_____________) [來源:澱粉(      ),糖(    )]

          -        In gut: starch/sugar is digested to glucose  absorb by blood (blood glucose)  release energy by respiration in cells.

                [在腸道內, 澱粉/糖被消化成葡萄糖  吸收入血(成為血葡萄糖)  在細胞內經呼吸作用而釋出能量。]

                 (In answering questions about digestion, we usually cannot directly state that we digest starch into glucose, but

                 starch  maltoseglucose.  But in this question, we only consider the general results of digestion, therefore we

                 stated that starch has been digested into glucose.  In fact, this already includes many processes.)

            [在答消化的題目時, 通常不能直接說我們消化澱粉成為葡萄糖, 而是澱粉麥芽糖葡萄糖, 但這裡只是說

            那消化的整體結果, 因此才說澱粉被消化成葡萄糖, 這其實包括了數個步驟/過程了]

          -        Excess[過剩]: stored as glycogen in liver & muscles, still excess, it is converted to fat and store under skin

                                    [在肝臟和肌肉內貯成糖原; 再過剩, 就轉成脂肪貯存在皮下]

2.        Fats[脂肪]: energy-rich; usually stored under skin (forming subcutaneous fat) or around internal organs (original function

                           for absorbing shock, but excess of it causes diseases.  [含高能量; 通常貯存在皮下(成為皮下脂肪)或環繞

                           內臟器官 (本意用作吸收震盪力, 但太多又反而致病)]

          -        功能[function]: component of cell membrane, some hormones  [是細胞膜、部分激素的成分];

                                         transport fat-soluble vitamins (eg. A, D, E, K)  [運輸脂溶性維生素(eg. A, D, E, K)]

          -        種類[types]: saturated fats[飽和脂肪](source: _____________), unsaturated fats[不飽和脂肪](                )(好)

3.        Proteins[蛋白質]: functions[功能]: forming cells for growth and repair of tissues and enzymes (all), some hormones,

                                        protein in food also can supply energy (the structural protein in the cells can also release energy in

                                        starvation (so that our skeletal muscles will be loss).

                                        [製造新細胞作為組織的生長及修補、(全部)、部分激素; 食物的蛋白質也可以供給能量, 而

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          -        When protein (actually amino acid because protein are being absorbed in form of amino acids) is in excess, amino acids

                will be deaminated into two parts: one of them becomes carbohydrates (for releasing energy or storage); another part

                changes         into nitrogenous compound (eg. urea) that will be excreted by the kidney. [當蛋白質(氨基酸, 因蛋白質是以

                氨基酸形式被吸收的)過剩時, 氨基酸就會被脫氨作用[deamination]所分解, 成為兩部分, 一部分變成碳水化合物

                (用作釋放能量或貯存); 另一部分變成氮化物 eg. 尿素經由腎臟排出體外]

    - source[來源]:_____________________; essential amino acids (20types), (should obtained from food):

                         other non-essential amino acids (can be formed from other absorbed essential amino acids)  [20種必需氨基酸必

                        需由食物處取得, 其他非必需氨基酸, 身體可由已攝取的氨基酸改變而來 (即身體能夠合成氨基酸)]


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