How concentration affects the "rate of reaction"

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Rahul Patel

Sodium Thiosulphate

Aim: How concentration affects the “rate of reaction”

My Investigation will contain the following features:

  • Background information Rates of reaction
  • Plan
  • Equipment I used
  • Prediction
  • Method
  • Diagram
  • Fair test
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Evaluation


Sometimes a change in colour can be used to follow the progress of a reaction. The reaction between sodium Thiosulphate solution and hydrochloric acid slowly produces a creamy white precipitate of sulphur. Sulphur dioxide gas and water are also produced. The reaction is between Thiosulphate ions, S2 O3 2- and hydrogen ions H+, from the acid.


I am going to investigate the rate of reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate, and how can Sodium Thiosulphate and water affects how fast the reaction takes to become complete. I will use three solutions in this investigation: Sodium Thiosulphate Na2S2O3 (Aq), Hydrochloric Acid 2HCl (Aq) and Water H2O (L). The input variable with be the volumes of Sodium Thiosulphate and Water. The amount of Hydrochloric Acid with have a fixed amount of 5cm3. I will measure the volume of all three solutions by using 2 measuring cylinders.

I will use the following equipment:

1 beaker

2 measuring cylinder

1 100cm3 conical flask

1 stopwatch

1 pair of goggles

Board with “X” on it. A board is used instead of paper so it doesn’t damage the equipment around the experiment.

1 heatproof mat

300cm3 of Sodium Thiosulphate

50cm3 of Hydrochloric Acid

200cm3 of water  


I predict that as the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate Increases the rate of reaction (time) decreases. Here is a graph that shows my prediction; it will show a negative correlation with a curve:

Before a chemical reaction can take place, the particles of the reacting chemicals (Sodium Thiosulphate, water, Hydrochloric acid) have to meet and collide with each other with sufficient energy to react. The minimum amount of energy of energy required to cause this reaction is called the Activation energy. One way of increasing the rate of reaction is by increasing the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate. In a reaction where both reactants are in low concentrations the particles are spread out and will collide with each other less often resulting in fewer successful collisions.  

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In a reaction where the reactants (Sodium Thiosulphate) are in a high concentrations the particles are crowded close together and will collide with each other more often, resulting in an increased number of successful collisions which makes the rate of reaction faster, the reaction will produces a white precipitate of sulphur. This will show the higher the concentration the increase in how fast the solutions react to become sulphur dioxide (g).


For Safety precautions I will used eye protection (goggles) in case something goes wrong. If ...

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