The Importance of Sleep

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Bodily Rhythms During Sleep

Sleep is extremely important for numerous reasons. It affects both your physical and mental well-being. If you’re stressed, ill, or need to solve a problem, sleep is one of the best ways to cope. While you sleep, your body rests and restores its energy while your brain continuously works throughout the night, processing daily tasks and memories. There are about five stages of sleep that you encounter throughout the night, and sleep is mainly promoted by natural cycles of activity in the brain. While you sleep, your brain actually does a number of things, not just dream. Sleeping helps your brain recover knowledge you may have forgotten during the course of the day. It also helps us remember the sequence of events; it has been found that long term memories are formed while we sleep, this being accomplished by the brain replaying memories while we sleep. Sleep not only strengthens the content of memory, but also reestablishes the order.

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Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

Impaired Memory and Thought Process


Increased Pain


Poor memory

Decreased Immune Response

Caffeine and other energy stimulants can temporarily overcome the effects of sever sleep deprivation, but only for a limited amount of time. The consequences will catch up to you sooner than you think. 

Stages of Sleep

Sleep begins in Stage One and then progresses into stages two, three, four, and five. After the last stage, your body usually returns to stage two and is repeated until you enter REM, or the Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Once REM sleep ...

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