Chemistry lab report, Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

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Aim: “To recognize and classify reactions as exothermic or endothermic”


For each of the following experiments you should:

  • Record data
  • Record initial and final temperatures as their maximum/lower points
  • If you use the measuring cylinders, don’t forget to rinse them
  • Stir the contents
  • Carry out all the reactions in the small beakers provided
  • Classify if the reaction was endothermic or exothermic
  • NEVER take away the stock solids and solutions to your table
  • Analyze results


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  1. Add one spatula of Zinc to 10cm3 of Copper Sulfate solution.
  2. Add 10cm3 of Copper Sulfate solution to 10cm3 of Sodium Hydroxide solution.
  3. Add 10cm3of Sodium Hydroxide solution to 10cm3 of Hydrochloric Acid.
  4. Add a strip of Magnesium ribbon to 10cm3 of Hydrochloric Acid.
  5. Add 1 spatula full of Ammonium Nitrate to 10cm3 of Water.
  6. Add 3 or 4 pellets of solid Sodium Hydroxide to 10cm3 of Water.
  7. Add a spatula full of Calcium Carbonate (marble chips) to 10cm3 of Hydrochloric Acid.
  8. Obtain crushed ice and half fill your beaker with it. Now add 2 spatulas of Sodium Chloride.
  9. Add half spatula of Manganese Dioxide powder to ...

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