IB Economics notes on market failure

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When a market fails, governments are often expected to intervain to move towards an optimal allocation of resources.

Types of market failure

Lack of public goods:

Public goods are goods that would not be provided in a free market.

Some goods called quasi pg, could be supplied by the free market.

Public goods have two characaristics

1. They are non-excludeble

2. Thay are non-rivalrous

A good is said to be non-excludeble when its impossible to stop other people consuming it once its provided.

A good is said to be non-rivalrous when one person consuming it does not prevent another person som consuming it as well.

Government may try to reduce this market failure by intervening in a number of ways.

1. They may provide the public good themselves. Use taxpayers money.

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2. They may subsidise private firms, covering all costs, to provide the good.

Under-supply of merit goods

Merit goods are goods that will be underprovided by the market and, because of this they will be under consumed. Government thinks providing positive benefits for both the people and society, and that u-s goods should be consumed to a greater degree. E.I Education. Governments will attemt to increase the supplyy, and thus the consumption of merit goods. How they do this depend on how important they think the merit goods are. Education will be provided with alot of ...

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