Europe: How was the Was Europe changing up to 1914?

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How was the world changing up to 1914?

From the late 18th century to the early 19th century, Europe was undergoing the profound change of the industrial revolution which radically transformed each country from an agriculture based one into an urban based one. Relative to how long the countries had been village based societies, this change happened very quickly. The countries in Europe were changed by the mid 19th century, but the industrialisation change also brought with it a change in economics, politics and in Empire.

There was a massive change of lifestyle in the period of the industrial revolution. Rapid economic change left behind traditional methods of organising societies so when Britain changed from being an agricultural/rural/village based society into a huge industrial/urban based society, the middle and business class took advantage of this as previously it had been only the aristocracy that had gained any benefit from society in life previous. Unfortunately the working conditions were still poor and people still had to work long hours. The Zeitgeist of the beginning of the 20th century had therefore changed to alert and fearful due to the massive change in the change in world affairs and economics.

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The rapid economic change went hand in hand with radical political change. Most countries were governed as they had been at the end of the 17th century. There was an underlying instability in the dynasties due to people questioning the old Autocratic system.  In the years coming up to 1914 the autocracies were at breaking point because of their extreme unpopularity. Immense pressure was being put on the political system to change to a more democratic, liberal system.

This wasn’t and abrupt change, as policies had been questioned since the American and French revolutions in 1776 and 1789 respectively. ...

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