Of all the causes that influenced Stalins rise to power such as historical circumstance, his own political skills/competence as a leader, it was the elimination of opposition that was most significant.

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Stalin’s Ascension to Power

Evaluate Stalin’s Rise to power:

        Of all the causes that influenced Stalin’s rise to power such as historical circumstance, his own political skills/competence as a leader, it was the elimination of opposition that was most significant.

        Without eliminating his opposition Stalin could not have risen to power. Stalin was in no position to simply size power for he faced significant opposition, Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev as well as the Right wing party members all served as obstructions for Stalin to assume leadership over Russia. So ultimately, to truly ensure his rise to power his opposition would have to be eliminated which was done quite effectively. Stalin was able to use his position as a general secretary to deal with opposition, placing his rivals or those who couldn’t be trusted in distant post and or preventing them from getting promoted and thus more powerful. Stalin effectively eliminated the left wing opposition, discrediting the ideological views of Kamenev, Zinoviev and Trotsky, isolating them and eventually had them rejected from the Central committee. Stalin also despite allying himself with the right wing eliminated them as well particularly key figures such as Bukari accusing them of the same ideological faults of the left wing, and through increased pressure on the party having them removed from important positions in the Soviet government.

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The communist party was not so bureaucratic at first, but because of the increasing complexities of the state, they made the power more centralized, and stalin grew in power because of this. And as part of elimination of opposition, he had this policy of factionalism, which implied that anyone that goes against the party policy (his says, basically), is going to be politically eliminated. So he used this factionalism, as a way to obliterate people from the political scene.

        Although it can be argued that other causes such as historical circumstances, including the Death of Lenin and a past civil ...

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