Was The Second World War beneficial to the United States of America?

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Research Question: Was The Second World War beneficial to the United States of America.

The Second World War started in the year 1939, with German invasion into Poland. The Second World War is considered to be one of the deadliest wars in the history of mankind, causing close to 70 million causalities. The war was fought by all the superpower blocks of the world- United States of America, Soviet Union, United Kingdom forming the Allied Powers and their opposition comprised of Germany, Italy and Japan, the Axis Powers.

The reason I have chosen to explore this aspect is because, wars in general are symbols of mass destruction, death and despair. But there was another side to the Second World War for United States. Surprisingly it had a lot of benefits as well; something that wasn’t seen in wars before. This caught my attention to a large extent and I wanted to explore the advantages of the Second World War to the United States. During the course of my essay, I will be exploring the advantages as well as disadvantages for the US, and come up with an unbiased conclusion but to go with that, I will be adding, my own point of view.

As mentioned above, the Second World War started in 1939 but USA only entered the war in 1941. When the war had started, US were following its usual policy of Isolationism. They didn’t want to get involved in war at all. After the war began in Europe in 1939, people in the Americas were divided on whether their countries should take part or stay out. Most Americans hoped the Allies would win, but they also hoped to keep the United States out of war. The isolationists wanted the country to stay out of the war at almost any cost. Another group, the interventionists, wanted the United States to do all in its power to aid the Allies. Canada declared war on Germany almost at once, while the United States shifted its policy from neutrality to preparedness. It began to expand its armed forces, build defense plants, and give the Allies all-out aid short of war.

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On December 7, 1941, while German armies were freezing before Moscow, Japan suddenly pushed the United States into the struggle by attacking the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Four days later Hitler declared war on the United States. President Roosevelt called on Congress for immediate and massive expansion of the armed forces. Twenty years of neglect and indifference, however, could not be overcome in a few days.  . President Franklin D. Roosevelt called upon the United States to be "the great arsenal of democracy," and supply war materials to the Allies through sale, lease, or loan. The Lend-Lease ...

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