LACSAP FRACTIONS - I will begin my investigation by continuing the pattern and finding the numerator of the sixth row.

Authors Avatar by lil_nerd94 (student)

The purpose of my investigation will be to achieve the general statement for a set of numbers that are presented in a symmetrical pattern.

Looking at the pattern below I will begin my investigation by continuing the pattern and finding the numerator of the sixth row.


Observing this pattern the first thing I noticed was the value of the numerator is consistent in each row and I began to notice a pattern forming in diagonal lines. I noticed that the numerator would increase by a value that would increase by 1 in each row. For example looking at the example below:


Therefore I can conclude that the numerator value for the sixth row will be 21.

After continueing the pattern into the sixth row, to further my investigation I will write a general statement which will present the numerator. In order to find the general statement firstly I will plot the relation betwen the row number (n) and the numerator value in each row.

After considering the graph and the pattern in which the numerator value was increasing I came to the realization that the pattern was an arithmetic sequence. Therefore I was able to arrive at the general statement by simplifying the formula for an arithmetic sequence. Where U1 is equal to 1 and d is equal to 1.


Sn =

 ( 2u1 + (n – 1)d)

                        Sn =  

 ( 2(1) + (n – 1)1)

                        Sn =  

 (2 + n – 1)

                        Sn =  

 ( n + 1)         General Statment = 0.5n2 + 0.5n

Next, to make sure my general statement is valid I will test it’s validity and figure out the numerator value for the sixth and seventh row.

Test validity for when n is equal to 5

        Numerator = 0.5n2 + 0.5n

                       = 0.5(5)2 + 0.5(5)

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                       = 0.5(25) + 2.5

                       = 12.5 + 2.5

        Numerator = 15          when n is 5 the numerator is 15

Find numerator(N) value when n is equal to 6

        N = 0.5n2 + 0.5n

           = 0.5(6)2 + 0.5(6)

           = 0.5(36) + 3

           = 18 + 3

N = 21

Find numerator value when n is equal to 7

        N = 0.5n2 + 0.5n

            = 0.5(7)2 + 0.5(7)

            = 0.5(49) + 4.5

            = 24.5 ...

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