Math IA type I. Here is Lacsaps Fractions (the symmetrical pattern given) from n=1 until n=5, again with red numbers representing n:

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Lacsap’s Fractions

A Math Internal Assessment

By Kelsey Kennelly

Lacsap’s Fractions…Ha

Clever, IB. You took the word “Pascal” and spelled it backwards to make “Lacsap”. I thought this was simply a Math Assessment but I guess it’s also a word scramble.

Anyways, with that being said, here is Pascal’s Triangle starting at n=0 until n=9, with red numbers representing n:

  1. 1
  2. 1        1
  3. 1        2        1
  4. 1        3        3        1
  5. 1        4        6        4        1
  6. 1        5        10        10        5        1
  7. 1        6        15        20        15        6        1
  8. 1        7        21        35        35        21        7        1
  9. 1        8        28        46        70        46        28        8        1
  10. 1        9        36        84        126        126        84        36        9        1
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*Column         0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9

*Columns rise diagonally from left to right. Column numbers will be represented by “c” followed by a subscript number.

Here is “Lacsap’s” Fractions (the symmetrical pattern given) from n=1 until n=5, again with red numbers representing n:

  1. 1        1
  2. 1                1
  3. 1                        1
  4. 1                                1
  5. 1                                        1

If you will notice, row 1 (n=1) has a numerator of 1; row 2 has a numerator of 3; row 3 has a numerator of 6, row 4 has a numerator of 10, and row 5 has a numerator of 15.

The numbers of these numerators ...

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