Mathematics SL Portfolio Type II. This portfolio considers commercial fishing in a country in two different environments, namely the sea and fish farms. The statistics are obtained from UN Statistics Division Common Database from the year 1980 to 2006. T

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This portfolio considers commercial fishing in a country in two different environments, namely the sea and fish farms. The statistics are obtained from UN Statistics Division Common Database from the year 1980 to 2006. This task requires the plotting of graph and choosing a suitable model to represent the trends that appear in the graph plotted.

To develop the model trend for the data points, a number of methods and technology will be utilized. Two graphs will be plotted in this portfolio task. One is for fish caught in the sea and another is for the fish caught in fish farm. Towards the end of this portfolio task, it is required to discuss and evaluate the relationship between the two graphs.

Part I

Defining Variables, Parameters and Constraints

There are two variables in the data given. These two variables affect each other’s value. The independent variable is the year and the dependent value is the total mass of fish caught in the sea shown in thousands of tonnes. The change in year affect the total mass of fish caught. The year increases by one.

        Parameters in the context of mathematical model are constants involved in the relation between the independent and dependent variable (Bard, 1974). Possible parameters that may affect the fish production are weather, government policy, technological advancement, environmental factors and demands. These parameters can also be constraints when their effect causes decrease in total mass of fish caught.

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Plotting Graph

In this graph, the year is substituted using representative value starting from 0 for 1980, 1 for 1981, 2 for 1982 and so on.

Graph 1: Graph of Total Mass of Fish Caught In the Sea against Year

The graph was plotted using Graph software for Windows.

Trends in Graph and Model Suggestion

        There is a linear increment in total mass of fish caught from the year 1980 to 1988. 1988 records the highest total mass of fish from 1980 to 2006. However, there is a sudden fall of  fish caught in the following year and the ...

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