Can we know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge? Consider history and other areas of knowledge?

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Can we know when to trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge? Consider history and other areas of knowledge?

Word count: 1607

Emotions are the most intrinsic parts and parcel of humanity. There can be no man who is emotionally void.  We, including animals, all feel different emotions: hate, love, envy, anger, grief and euphoria.  Emotions are the key forces that segregate us from information processors such as computers. The conflict between the heart and mind is legendary, and it shows that emotions are as important as logic. Without emotions there can be no knowledge provided the knower values the knowledge. Did not the naked Archimedes yell “Eureka” to express his emotions on having discovered the reason behind the displacement of water in the bath. Yes, what is of utmost importance is the emotional response to knowledge.  Even animals such as lions and tigers can be trained by a trainer provided these animals have emotional propensity and concern for the trainer. And if not, we know that “one can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink.”

Emotions as a powerful way of knowing can affect other ways of knowing too. For example they can cloud our reason; make us biased to someone; hate others, and use derogatory language to give vent to our innate feelings. Like the two faces of a coin, emotions are edifying as well as chimerical. They can be a source of knowledge but an obstacle to knowledge as well. While writing this tok essay my mind winces to think what will happen if this essay is not given a good grade. And this emotional fear or curiosity can deviate me from my pursuit of expressing my views lucidly. Thus, emotions play both positive and negative roles. They can boost a student to climb unprecedented heights and also propel him to commit suicide. This reflection raises an inquiry: are our emotions trustworthy always? Can we pursue our quest of knowledge wholly influenced by and based on emotions? Through this essay I will assay whether we can trust our emotions with respect to other areas of knowledge such as history and human science.

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History is an area of knowledge that plays a momentous role in our quest for knowledge. It is said that out future is built on the pillars of the past, and that in order we have a glorious future we need to unravel the past layer by layer. History gives us a keen insight into what happened in the past and opens new avenues and dimensions so that the mistakes of the past may not be repeated in the future. Can it be said for sure that history won’t repeat itself? We have knowledge that the most fateful wars in ...

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