Shereen Chee

1. To what degree is emotion biological or “hard-wired”, and hence universal to all human beings? To what extent is it shaped by culture and hence displayed differently in different societies?

As humans, we tend to have emotions. This is because it is inborn and we do not require teachings on how to use this instinctive state of mind. This is clearly proven by babies, who are able to laugh and cry without being taught how to. In other words, we are able to respond to a circumstance before we even learn how to pronounce a simple syllable. This further suggests that emotion is universal for nationality, race, and religion do not influence the fact that humans can feel different emotions given different situations. However, the situation that can evoke a particular emotion may vary across cultures. It is through culture in which the cause of the expression is shaped. For example, my friends and I watched a clip of a skateboarder falling down from a steep flight of stairs in “World’s Most Funniest Videos” and I noticed that white friends laughed at it while the asians put on a disgusted face. This shows the influence that culture has on the emotions that we express towards a particular situation. It could be argued that this is a hasty generalized statement. However, the title of the show itself suggests that it was supposed to funny and not surprisingly, this show was produced in America. Other than culture’s influence on the cause of the emotion, a culture may also shape the expression of the emotion. There was a study conducted in Glasgow University that found that East Asians were more likely than Westerners to read the expression for fear as surprise, and disgust as anger. This suggests that different cultures have different accustoms of expressions. 

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Art is closely linked to emotion as it functions as a medium of expression. Likewise to emotion, Art can be seen as both universal and cultural. Every culture produces art and understands the value of aesthetics. However, it is the way that the beauty in art is judged which distinguishes a piece of art from the others. For instance, Mende art in Africa puts a lot of emphasis on the subcutaneous fat around a woman’s neck for it represents good health and well being. This example shows that the emotion of desire is aroused by different things across different ...

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