Change in organizations and the management of resistence.

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Executive Summary

In today’s’ economy, change is all-pervasive in organizations. It happens continuously and often at an alarming and rapid speed. Because change has become such an everyday part of organizational dynamics, it is becoming increasingly important to manage as any resistance to change by an organizations employees can actually cripple the organization. Resistance is, though, an inevitable response to any major change. People will by their nature rush to defend the status quo if they feel their security or status is threatened (Kotter J.P. 1996). If management does not understand, accept and make an effort to work with resistance, it can undermine even the most well intentioned and well conceived change effort (Coetsee L. 1999). Any attempt by management to change without creating and maintaining a climate that minimizes resistance and encourages acceptance and support will be rendered fruitless.

The purpose of this paper is to assist in minimizing or alleviating the prevalence of resistance that is being experienced at DCDM due to the structural and cultural changes that are currently taking place. The change process is centered on a significant de-layering and decentralization of the organization. The paper contends that though change is an inevitable feature in an organizational setting, so too is resistance to change. When organizations react too strongly to resistance they only stiffen it and increase the likelihood of problems with the change. Not to say resistance should be ignored – organizations in the midst of change should remain clearly focused and calm, and take the time to understand the reasons behind the resistance as well as the positions of those resisting (Harigopal K. 2001). This will enable organizations to gain considerable knowledge and support in removing resistance positively.  


The world economy is experiencing extraordinary change and transformation in all sectors. Change has therefore become a way of life the world over. Factors such as globalization, reduced technology cycles, shifting demographics, changing customer demands and worker expectations, international economic trends and competition are just some of the forces driving change in organizations (Strebel P. 1998). One major barrier for change is resistance of people in organizations. Resistance has become a natural and expected part of change. It is describe as an almost inevitable psychological and organizational response that seems to apply to any kind of change, ranging from the rather modest improvements to far-reaching change and organization transformation (Levy A. & Merry U. 1986). De Jager (2001) argues, “Most People are reluctant to leave the familiar behind. We are all suspicious about the unfamiliar; we are all concerned about how we will get from the old to the new, especially if it involves learning something new and risking failure’ (p.24). One of the major tasks facing top managers and change managers is therefore to overcome the resistance to change of both their line managers and their employees.  Because change has become an everyday part of organizational dynamics, employees who resist change can actually cripple the organization. Coetsee (1999:205) states that ‘any management’s ability to achieve maximum benefits from change depends in part on how effectively they create and maintain a climate that minimizes resistant behaviour and encourages acceptance and support’.  

The purpose of this paper is to address the issue of organizational change at DCDM and the resistance accompanying it and to formulate strategies that can better place the organization to deal with resistance. The structure of this paper as follows: Firstly the main causes of resistance to organizational change will be identified. This will be followed by an overview of how resistance to change manifests itself. The paper will then put forth strategies that the organizations can employ to deal with resistance. Finally advice will be given on the kind of issues and considerations that have to be made when managing resistance to change.

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Main causes of resistance to Organizational Change

It is almost impossible for any change process to be implemented without some degree of resistance. But understanding the causes or reasons behind the resistance and working towards a commitment to your change will point the organization towards productive change management.

Resistance to change may stem from the individual, the organization or both. At the individual level we find psychological factors such as:

  • Failure to recognize the need for change

All employees need to recognize, understand and appreciate the need for change otherwise the vested interest they ...

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