"Explain the role of motivation in enhancing a sports performer"
"Explain the role of motivation in enhancing a sports performer" Motivation is a key element in sports psychology. Investigation into motivation continues to this day and many theorists persist to propose legitimate theories and explorations. Sage (1974) stated that motivation is 'The internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse and direct our behaviour'. Exploring Sage's theory further, he believes that motivation concerns inner drives towards a goal as well as an external drive or pressure. He also considers the body's arousal levels as another significant factor in motivation. However, Clarke (1999) believes that motivation is the 'Internal process that creates and maintains the desire to move toward goals'. This theory is stating that motivation is produced inside the body and no external factor factors should affect it. In simple terms, motivation is 'The drive to strive'. This translates to the individual must have a desire or stimulation to do something, therefore being motivated to do so. The question of how do we get motivated is a question that many theorists may ask and investigate in great detail. Firstly encouragement and praise gives the individual an incentive, also wanting to prove people wrong and being motivated off other people's energy and enthusiasm are factors concerning this too. Motivation influences both the mind and body, as well as this;
"Explore the different types of humour that are used in television advertising".
Contents .0 Executive Summary 3 2.0 Introduction and Research Objectives 4 3.0 Previous Research 6 4.0 Research Design 8 5.0 Analysis 12 6.0 Limitations of the study 24 7.0 Conclusion 25 8.0 References 26 9.0 Appendices 27 - Humour Questionnaire 28 - Table of Results 30 . "Explore the different types of humour that are used in television advertising". 2. e .0 Executive Summary This report aims to investigate which types of humour are more prevalent in television advertising. Codruta & Gail's (2001) study of the seven classifications of humour was used to compare the study's findings. It was discovered that silliness was used mostly in television advertising and this was similar to the results of Codruta & Gail's own research. Observation was carried out over four
"Firms are usually proposing too few products." Discuss in the light of Harold Hotelling's Linear City Model and Richard Schmalensee's 1978 Paper on breakfast cereals.
Industrial Economics: Topic 3 "Firms are usually proposing too few products." Discuss in the light of Harold Hotelling's Linear City Model and Richard Schmalensee's 1978 Paper on breakfast cereals. Russell Manley: Tutorial Group Many firms in industries face a downward sloping residual demand curve. They engage in monopolistic competition, they have market power and yet still, they make no economic profit. One of the most important reasons why this is the case is product differentiation. Consumers view the products in an industry as different, as imperfect substitutes. These goods are said to be differentiated or heterogeneous. I f customers view the products in an industry as different then it is possible for a firm to raise it's price above that of its competitors without losing all its customers. These industries are characterised by monopolistic as opposed to oligopolistic competition and therefore there is free entry and exit. The number of firms in an industry is determined within the model by entry behaviour rather than being decided exogenously. With firms producing differentiated goods the entry of a new firm helps to widen the choice of products for customers and it also helps lower price. There are essentially two types of monopolistic competition with differentiated products and free entry and exit; non-address and address/location models. The non-address or
"Fit for Purpose" Validation Study on BT Sales Employees
"Fit for Purpose" Validation Study on BT Sales Employees Produced for December 2004 Contents Contents 2 Executive Summary 3 Background and Objectives 5 Method and Procedures 6 Sample 6 Tools 7 Performance Criteria 8 Results 9 System Norms 9 System Validity 10 Beta Weights 12 Conclusions 14 Appendix A - Procedures and Analyses 15 Appendix B - Norms Per Job Group 17 Executive Summary Around 600 sales people were assessed from August - November 2004 from 5 job groups within the Major Business team of the Commercial & Brands business unit of BT Retail. The main aim was to provide BT with information about the profile of good performers within the different groups in their sales force. This exercise was intended as a first step in the process of understanding the profile required for BT's future sales force to ensure that BT can remain competitive in what has become a fast-moving and rapidly changing industry, This exercise was run as a validation study which enabled a broad range of assessments to be given so that they could later be refined to provide BT with bespoke assessments which only assess those qualities proven to impact on BT sales employee performance. 30 scales of CareerHarmony's major new personality inventory were administered, along with an Interpersonal Conflict Coping Inventory, and 3 ability tests. As expected there was a minor variation
"Focus on leadership style"
Philosophy "Focus on leadership style" "Final Project/Presentation" Submitted By: Gulfam Faryad Umer Sarfraz Roll numbers: 2051023 Submitted to: Mrs. Nasreen Rehan National College of Business Administration Date: Apr 17, 2006 Acknowledgements We are grateful to ALLAH Almighty. Secondly to our teacher, Mrs. Nasreen Rehan for her guidance and support throughout the course. Leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality. -Warren G. Bennis Leadership Styles There are a number of different approaches, or 'styles' to leadership and management that are based on different assumptions and theories. The style that individuals use will be based on a combination of their beliefs, values and preferences, as well as the organizational culture and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. * Charismatic Leadership * Participative Leadership * Situational Leadership * Transactional Leadership * Transformational Leadership * The Quiet Leader * Servant Leadership Charismatic Leadership Assumptions Charm and grace are all that is needed to create followers. Self-belief is a fundamental need of leaders. People follow others that they personally admire. Style The Charismatic Leader gathers followers through dint of personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority. The searchlight of
"Food Retailers will need to go global to succeed." Terry Leahy, CEO, Tesco. Looking at Carrefour-Promodes and Wal-mart.
International Retailing "Food Retailers will need to go global to succeed." Terry Leahy, CEO, Tesco Word Count: 3582 November 2002 Introduction In recent years, two major retailers have been in the headlines of the specialised press, namely Carrefour-Promodes and Wal-Mart. According to the most recent rankings, they are, respectively, numbers one and two in terms of turnover and employment. Global retailer ranking Rank Rank by turnover Company 2 Carrefour 2 5 Ahold 3 Wal-Mart 4 4 Metro 5 0 Tesco 6 8 Ito-Yokado (incl 7-Eleven) 7 21 Dehlaize 8 20 Casino 9 7 Auchan 0 3 Aldi 1 6 Tengelmann 2 1 Costco Global Retail Index, 2002 Wal-Mart is by far the largest retailer in turnover size, but has not yet expanded as far internationally as Carrefour, which has a wider geographical presence and achieves a higher proportion of their turnover outside their home market. This report is split into three main sections. Firstly we set out to compare and contrast the motives and internationalisation strategies of Wal-Mart and Carrefour. Secondly we move on to discuss the problems that these retailers have had in establishing themselves in foreign markets. Finally we discuss the statement "Food retailers will need to go global to succeed." Compare and Contrast the motives and internationalisation strategies of Wal-Mart and Carrefour-Promodes
"Contract Creation and Management".
"Contract Creation and Management" A contract is formed any time two people make an agreement to do, or not to do something. Contracts can take on many forms, from a verbal agreement sealed with a handshake, to a formal complex written contract. Certain types of contracts, involving commercial transactions, must be in writing in order to be valid. The parties may only modify written contracts through written agreement. In addition, if an estimate is incorrect or the scope of work changes in a contract, the parties need to write an addendum and both parties need to sign it to modify the original agreement. Business clients can rarely define every requirement and foresee every implication that may result. Project managers cannot foresee every risk or problem that may come up on their projects. The key to successfully managing the project is to make sure that there is agreement on a process for revising the requirements when needed. Amendments should contain the same degree of specificity for changes that the original contract contained. The principle areas where changes are made and for which amendments are required include scope of work, costs, and period or performance. (www.ofm.wa.gov) The contract between Span and Citizen-Schwarz (C-S) is a very complex contract which involved the efforts of many people over an extended period of time. While the goal of every reputable
"Corporate governance is neither regional nor parochial in nature. It is of global provenance. Comment on these statements."
Student Number: 011072605 Module: EC32810 Lecturer: Dr Lynn Lim Deadline: Monday, 18th April, 2005 Handed In: Monday, 18th April, 2005 Word Limit: 1,500 Word Count: 1458 excluding Bibliography Title "Corporate governance is neither regional nor parochial in nature. It is of global provenance. Comment on these statements." Executive Summary Firstly, I will take a look into the situation of corporate governance, and to then see its effect on a global scale to justify, or falsify, the statement that "corporate governance is neither regional nor parochial in nature. It is of global provenance." To do this I will use various resources, including lecture notes, textbooks, Internet websites, and online journals, not to mention case studies, to define what corporate governance is and to then analyse its placing on a global or national scale. Only then will I be in a position to fully discuss the topic, and title, raised. Main Content and Discussion Corporate governance is indeed a world-wide phenomenon, not simply a national or regional idea. It dictates the way in which companies are run throughout the world, having says in the control of companies. It is the way in which Corporate Boards and officers decided to handle the affairs of their corporations, being defined by Sir Adrian Cadbury in 1992 as "the system by which organisations are directed and controlled"1.
"Generals win battles, resources win wars."To what extent is this true of the period 1792- 1918?
"Generals win battles, resources win wars." To what extent is this true of the period 1792- 1918? Resources and Generals assume a complex relationship during any conflict; Generalship being vital to the effective organisation and preparation of supplies, whilst often relying on them to sustain the war. A war is sustained and won by more than just resources, however; the 'War' of the Bavarian Succession being a rare example of resources deciding the outcome. Though the Austrian and Prussian armies never met in battle, they manoeuvred each other into exhaustion, lack of supplies and deadlock. This is uncommon, however. More commonly, it takes an effective General to make the sufficient preparation and planning demanded for a victory in warfare. Therefore whilst the use of resources can support and uphold a war, it is the skills of a General to combine the available resources with other factors, such as tactics and strategy, which win the battles and hence the war. A General's tactical decisions have often been the deciding factor in a battle or war, assuming a higher importance than the supply of resources, such as in World War One. German tactics such as the 'Elastic Defence' meant that the Allies never breached their lines despite having a 'superiority of 5:1.'1 The troops in tight formation, together with the firepower of muskets and artillery at close range also meant
"Happy workers are creative and productive workers"
"Happy workers are creative and productive workers" Name: Chang Wei Student No.: 2196261 Date: October 29th, 2002 Course: BA business Year1 "Happy workers are creative and productive workers" Over the past decade there been economic and workplace changes. "The economic growth and correspondingly low unemployment that were hallmarks of the 1990s have begun to give way to an economic slowdown that has created layoffs and rising unemployment.1 Many firms try to find the way to make "just-in-time workforce" to increase productivity; try to find the way to make employees happy and satisfied in limited work place to increase productivity. Physical work environment can influence internal effectiveness. In the past employees regularly toiled under adverse conditions such as extreme temperatures, poor lighting, polluted air or cramped workspaces. This has changed, in particularly by high-tech industries, such as dot-com companies, which have transformed the workplace in recent years, offering their employees signing bonuses, stock options. Nowadays companies have considered the effect of temperature, noise, lighting, air quality, workspace size, arrangement and privacy, to make employees feel safe, healthy and comfortable. Generally, people who work or study in environment in which temperature is regulated within an individual's acceptable range, the production level will