Designing Training and Assessment

E-mail and Letter Writing

Word Count- 1,997


  1. Summary/Abstract and Acknowledgements

  1. Terms of Reference

  1. Introduction

  1. Methods of Investigation

  1. Body of the Report

  1. Conclusions

  1. Recommendations

  1. Appendixes:

Appendix 1- Criteria Standards to critique material

Appendix 2- Session by session critique using standards

Appendix 3- Ten principles of Adult learning

Appendix 4- Example of RPA training design document

Appendix 5- Advantages and disadvantages of session

  1. References


Critique background- This report looks at the e-mail and letter writing module. This module goes into detail about the general letter writing process such as template letters and official correspondence on behalf of M.P’s etc. The module also covers how to write a letter from scratch, plain English and the misuse of e-mail from the point of view that it is an area where the conventional rules of spelling, grammar and flow are often disregarded. The module covers all of the RPA standards when writing a letter.  

Results The results of the critique showed a lot of areas that could be developed further to allow the course to follow the standards set out more effectively. There are positive points. The material tries to cover a lot of areas and in most manages to do this but this is not always what the objectives have stated for the session or the course. The exercises are weighted on the side of theory and written assessments. There are a lot of skills that are displayed by the learners over the course which are not picked up on. The paperwork for both the trainer and the learner is very wordy and should be flexible.

Conclusions & Recommendations – My conclusions are that the objectives (in the majority) need to be re-written to include standards actions outcomes and conditions. The exercises need to encourage more participation within the group. The learning styles of all delegates need to be adressed as these are not met. The course is lengthy for delegates who do the work already could be split or back up sections put in to facilitate learning needs. The assessment methods should be assesed within the course objectives as looking at the material one formal assessment in particular is not valid. My recommendations are that the exercises within the course are tailored to the four different learning styles (Kolb 1984, Honey and Mumford 1996). The power point slides need to be less cluttered and use more visuals and make the content come to life. It will then be an effective addition to the course. The course should be split to allow better learning needs identification and also to accommodate the wealth of knowledge already in the business. An assessment of level of knowledge on the business procedures could be done before hand or during the session in a controlled and safe environment.


Terms of Reference


This assignment is set by DPG to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of principles covered in the workshop about designing training and assessment. It is defined by DPG to achieve the following CIPD learning:

  • The principles of adult learning
  • The principles of effective design and the range of factors affecting design.
  • The range of training/learning methods, their advantages and disadvantages,
  • And their criteria for selection.
  • The range of audio, visual and technology-based learning aids for use in
  • design and delivery, and criteria for selection method of assessing learning, their advantages and disadvantages and
  • Criteria for their selection.

Specifically, the programme and assignment is set to develop and verify knowledge of:

  • Overview the learning and development department
  • Advantages and disadvantages of session critiqued
  • Alternatives of design, in regards to adult learning criteria for selection and effective design
  • Rationale for improvement and relate to methods of design, facilities and equipment
  • References research and reading
  • Draws conclusions
  • Makes recommendations

These are my boundaries


The department I work in came into life in June 2007. The learning and development department is split into three main areas of which there are three teams: Core Skills, Specialist Skills and SPS Skills. I work in the Core Skills team which covers training in Customer Care, Management Skills, Inductions, Fraud Awareness, E-mail and Letter Writing, Interview Skills (for recruiters) etc. The e-mail and letter writing that I am critiquing in this assignment is aimed at people who will write letters from scratch. It details the letter writing process as well as providing details of plain English

It is also intended for people who do not write letters from scratch but need to tailor template letters. The other areas of the course are to give information and knowledge about e-mails which are a great source of bad English appalling grammar and confused structure.

Course Aim:-

The aim of the course is to improve the quality and effectiveness of writing- and thus enable delegates to write to internal and external customers using English that is clear, correct and has the effect that you want

You will see as you read through the assignment if the Aim holds true. I will be looking at standards I have set (Appendix 1) as well as referencing the material against models and theories contained within books and what I have learnt on the programme so far all the way through the assignment allowing a full and frank critique of the material.

Method(s) of investigation

My methodology for this assignment was firstly to come up with a list of standards for objectives, key leaning points, methods, resources, assessments and transfer which allow me to objectively critique the course chosen. (Appendix 1)

I will also use knowledge I have gained on my CTP sessions such as the 10 principles of adult leaning, together with knowledge from some books such as Training practice- Hackett (2003) ,Accelerated learning- Dave Meier (2000), blooms taxonomy- Benjamin Bloom(1954), Experiential Learning- David Kolb (1984) to think about and look at the different sessions of the course, and to consider the whole brain approach to learning (Herrmann-Nehdi, 1995) in my critique of the sessions

I have looked at the standard training design document used within RPA (appendix 4) and found it to be ok. For me the titles used within the CTP sessions were much more understandable and as far as I can see the TDD misses the transfer element which is the most integral part of identifying how you can make things real for people or relate it to work so that the learning takes place or is reinforced. I am not taking up much time as we currently use this document as standard in the RPA. I will put forward suggestions that the TDD is changed to include transfer to make it a more effective tool for RPA to use. I hope this is well received.

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I have spoken with people within and outside of the team to draw on their expertise and to gain knowledge and another point of view which has helped me greatly in coming to conclusions and making recommendations.

I assed the criteria or standards I have used by posing questions to the material myself and with my colleagues coming up with standards which can be commented as they can be measured against the standard. To do this I looked at a models (Hackett 2003) and (blooms 1956) and from our CTP session looked at the sessions plan for ...

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