Evaluation of an Internet based Ebook Publishing Service

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Evaluation of an Internet based Ebook Publishing Service

        WePublish Inc. is aimed at creating an online community where authors can publish their eBook online and customers can buy them.  Unlike a traditional book, eBooks provide customers with the ability to carry information on mobile devices and electronics without compromising productivity.  

        94% of users with electric devices have shopped online in the past 6 months.  This allows WePublish Inc. to capitalize on readers by fulfilling the unmet need of providing digital versions of book that they want to read.  Making purchases online will not be a barrier for them since they are familiar with the process and they understand we protect their privacy by using secure socket layers (SSL) encryption.  

        College students can now store all their textbooks on their mobile devices so they don’t have to carry around a big text book.  They will also be able to easily search for information that they are looking for saving them valuable time and increasing productivity.  

        Fiction and non fiction readers who read for leisure prefer not to carry a paper back book, and prefer to carry information in an eBook format.  They can read without any additional light source and it weighs less than traditional books.

        Authors have demanded a way to stay in contact with their audience, and the press releases, and media attention is not enough.  These offline marketing strategies are too expensive for them and takes several months before they can communicate their readers.  WePublish Inc. provides an online medium to instantly communicate with their audience and receive feedback instanteously.  Authors will also be able to build a customer database that will grow over the years.

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        Our mission is to enable every technology savy person to be able to carry the books they love on their electronic devices.  


EBooks are growing in demand due to the fact that they can be purchased conveniently from their home computer and received instantaneously without having to wait for shipping time.  Another advantage is that eBooks are always in stock.  They can never run out of stock.  The third advantage for WePublish Inc, is that we do not have to lose money on eBooks that aren’t sold.  The only cost is to transcribe the manuscript into ...

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