Research Project - The project aims at evaluating the legacy realization and management in Sporting Mega projects.

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1.0 Abstract


1.2 Aims and Objectives

1.3 Brief Description of Olympic Events

1.4 Research Question

1.5 Project Approach

1.6 Limitations of the Study

1.7 Project Scope


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Conceptual Framework

2.2 Past Studies

2.3 Methods


3.0 Research Design and Methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Research Methodology


4.0 Findings and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Analysis of Findings and Discussion

4.3 Qualitative Analysis of the Findings


5.0 Evaluation of Findings


5.2 Evaluation of Findings



1.1 Introduction

This chapter presents vivid background knowledge on the topic of study; it defines the research objectives, research problem, research questions, and limitations encountered during the study and finally, the scope of the study. Realization of legacy benefits creates a greater notion of elegance, fame and pride. Sports mega events and comes with its legacy benefits to the hosting city. Among these benefits, include economic, political and socio-cultural benefits to a hosting country. Other benefits include social factors and an entire international picture and image of a city, thus influencing its tourism market (Essex, 2004).

These mega events remain a major factor facilitating the transformation of the hosting city, community or the country at large into a mega industrial one. Within the mega events of sports, legacy benefits become vital in the industrialization improvement of a hosting city or state. It improves the economy due to the widespread investment it entails. Legacy has an enduring positive effect in a country’s social, economic and tourism sector (Hiller, 2003). The act has ever since its inception failed to attract any major criticism from scholars across the globe. Its literature review entails the analysis of its impacts and complexities involved.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

 This paper seeks to analyze and evaluate research on policies concerning mega sports events such as the Olympics or the FIFA World Cup to be specific. The project aims at evaluating the legacy realization and management in Sporting Mega projects. It evaluates the legacy realization in relation to sports, which is a risen trend over time and also aims at evaluating the past research on the impacts of legacy and sports mega events.

1.3 Brief Description of Olympic Events

The famous Olympic Games, established in the year 1896 by Pierre, are a major mega sport event in the world. Its events attract a wide attention and interest from games fanatics and non-fanatics as well. The initial goal was to improve the lives of French youth by embracing sports and nurturing talents. Currently, its charter advocates for life improvement through sporting events and presenting a peaceful society, which upholds the dignity of mankind. Management of events remains the duty of International Olympic Committee, which constitute members from different countries across the world. The hosting of Olympic Games rotates from one country to another. In this process, the hosting countries realize much economic and social change after the games event. This is a trend, which causes criticism of the management of Olympic Games events. The governing body receives criticism on corruption and bias in choosing a hosting nation.

1.4 Research Question

The research question is to analyze the general realization of legacy benefits from sporting mega event projects. The evaluation involves the analysis of short term and long-term realization impacts, government intervention and legacy as a local or global issue. The report also has a vivid literature review on legacy realization. Furthermore, the management of mega sporting projects as a major issue of concern in the research.

1.5 Project Approach

The research design has an outline that guides a reader on what is contained in the paper. It also has an abstract, which serves as an overview of the information and general research question and problem discussed. The project approach entails analysis of past research works done on the legacy realization and management of sports mega events. It also employs the need for knowledge learnt in class, citing management of sport mega events. Sources cited range from authored books, journals and internet research.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

The research encountered fewer limitations in the quest to attain some necessary information on the realization of legacy and the management of major sporting events. Some respondents interviewed, responded without in depth information of the question asked. The researcher relied much on literature, written and online, to access information. This is because top management of mega sporting events was inaccessible for interviews about the operations, difficulties and impacts of the management of sport mega events. However, these few challenges did not interfere with the success and completion of the project.

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1.7 Project Scope

The scope discusses explicitly legacy according to its benefit realization on a hosting city or country. These impacts are widely discussed to shed more light on the positive benefits and improve negative benefits. It also stresses on the analysis of the management of mega sporting events and projects and discusses its challenges in management. Finally, the project provides a framework for legacy.


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter comprises of information collected from different authors in the past study. The aim of the literature review is to compare information on the topic in question, ...

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