‘History’ Stephen said, ‘is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake’ (James Joyce, Ulyssess).  Is history a ‘nightmare’ and, if so, is it possible to awake?

History has been represented by some as a triumphal march.  As a progressive, unlinear, emancipating process.  Fukyama, for instance, has heralded liberal democracy as the ‘end of history’; while orthodox Marxism also posits a liberating ‘end goal’ in the form of ‘communism’.  History is understood as teleological and determined; a dream.  It will be argued that history is more accurately understood as a ‘nightmare’; as contingent and determined by conflict or struggle within specific networks of power-relations.  In this respect, crude, reductive, teleological understandings of history are rejected, in favour of those that analyse history as based on contingent inter-relationships between structure, agency and discourse.  Paradigms such as historical materialism, post-structuralism and critical-discourse analysis will be drawn on to show how relations of power and domination are constructed through conflict.  It is these relationships which are the ‘nightmare’ of history; the nightmare of ‘power’ and the ‘conflict’ over it.  Historical scholarship in historicising social relationships, de-naturalises relationships of power and showing the agency of historical actors can act as a critique to past and present ‘nightmares’.   For instance, feminist and Afro-Caribbean historians have often explicitly critiqued relations of domination so as to empower marginalised groups.  ‘History’, in this form, explicitly attempts to wake itself from the ‘nightmare’.  It should, however, also be recognised that the discipline of history has often been complicit in creating ‘nightmares’ of ‘excluding’ and ‘marginalising’ groups.  It seems impossible to ‘awake’ from the ‘nightmare’ of history; conflict and power have been perennial.  In this way the ‘nightmare’ might be a coma but it seems possible to make the bed more comfortable.

History has long been dogged by a crude positivism.  In this respect, history was given the status of ‘science’, as having an inevitable causality.  Orthodox Marxism, for instance, notes ‘humanity’s increasing technological control over nature suggesting that this can be equated with historical stages.  Cohen argues that Marx viewed the ‘productive-forces’ as the main force of history.  The primary ‘causal-relationship’ is that between the ‘base’ and ‘superstructure’; once the productive forces have developed to a certain stage the ‘relations of production’ becomes fetters on further growth and are ‘cast aside’. In this respect, the ‘relations of production’ and the ‘superstructure’ are ‘functional’ to that of the ‘productive forces’.  The extension of seemingly self-developing productive forces over ‘nature’ determines the pace of ‘history’, giving it a ‘dream’ like quality.  A substitution of this crude materialism, for a crude idealism, can be seen in the work of Fukuyama.  In Hegelian fashion history is equated with specific ideological stages or consciousness.  History becomes unlinear, progressive and inevitable.  Capitalism in being the most materially progressive economic system becomes a natural ‘end-point’.  Simultaneously, Liberalism offers a network of political arrangements that satisfy thymos or the desire for recognition. In this respect, liberal democracy is naturalized and posited as the inevitable ‘end-point’ of history.  History far from a ‘nightmare’ is a dream, a dream occasionally woken up from only to inevitably go back to sleep.

The crude teleology of ‘productive force determinism’ and Fukuyama’s ‘idealism’ completely fail to give an adequate account of how historical social-relations are constructed.    It is possible to view history as a ‘dream’ without accepting teleological argumentation.  A number of scholars have used Parsonaian sociological techniques to suggest that social relations can be more accurately understood as harmonious, rather than based on conflict.  Mousnier and Fourquin argue that pre-industrial society was not based on Marxian class structures but on ‘evaluative differentiation’.  Further, scholars working within the ‘Toronto’ school have used manorial court rolls to suggest that medieval English social structure were defined by conciliation, rather than conflict.  For instance, DeWindt’s study of Holywell-cum-Needingworth (a manor of Ramsey Abbey) suggested that personal pledging was, in part, responsible and symbolic of pre-plague village solidarity and community. In this respect, pledging effectively eased the vertical ties of domination creating a communal space. History is not a ‘nightmare’ in that social relations are conciliatory rather than conflictual; power-relations are based on shared cultural values; history can be represented as a ‘dream’ without crude or mechanistic notions of inevitability.  

        However, comparing history to a dream, whether inevitable or not, is mistaken.  The ‘nightmare’ of ‘power’ and ‘conflict’ in history is ignored.  How historical ‘agents’ actively struggle through conflict to produce and reproduce social relations is not convincingly addressed by viewing history as a ‘dream’.  History can be understood as a struggle or conflict over power.  The interpretive frameworks associated with historical materialism provide a partially convincing understanding of the dynamics of history.  How relationships of power are formed through the inter-play of ‘agency’ and ‘structure’.  In particular, primacy is given to the ‘mode of production’ i.e. the particular way a given society structures access to productive forces.   A range of ‘class-structures’ can exist on any given ‘productive-force’. Historical analysis should be focused on how particular ‘relations of production’ are constituted through ‘historical agents’ within various class-networks; these networks are characterised by conflict.  Brenner, for instance, argues that historical change occurs through specific forms of ‘class-conflict’.  For example, the post-Black Death decrease in population cannot be taken as an independent variable in explaining the end of villeinage since similar population trends led to a consolidation of manorialism in seventeenth-century Bohemia.  Historical actors, in this case the ‘peasantry’ should not be understood as ‘passive’ but as having ‘agency’ as producing, contesting and adapting social relations.  Redclift and Goodman have deployed the concepts of ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ subsumption of labour to show how ‘capital’ can take control over the ‘means of production’ in various ways; the Western European capitalist model is not a result of economic logic but of particular forms of struggle.  Change was ‘struggled’ over; relations of power were contested by subordinate groups; these unequal relations of domination and the conflict arising from them signify the ‘nightmare’ of history.  Historical materialism allows for the historicisation of social relationships and focuses attention on some ‘subaltern groups’.  It ultimately suggests that issues of ‘power’ and ‘conflict’ underpin history: making it more of a ‘nightmare’ than a ‘dream’.

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However, historical materialism does not provide an adequate account of how social-relations are historically produced and reproduced.  It shows only a limited set of power-relations; it illuminates only one ‘nightmare’.  Post-structuralist notions of ‘language’ have challenged the realist Marxian categories of ‘class’.  Language is neither transparent nor objective, but constitutive of social relations.  The relationship between ‘signified’ and ‘signifier’ is arbitrary and constructed within a ‘self-referential’ and ‘unstable’ system.  Meaning is generated through a discursive configuration of ‘sign’, ‘signified’ and ‘signifier’.  Discourse, in this sense, is how social reality and processes are ‘organised’ and imbued with ‘meaning’.  Foucault argued ...

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This essay is very well written, erudite and confident. The student makes a number of good arguments and uses material well. 5 stars.