To what extent was the ineptitude of the French monarch a cause of the French Revolution

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To what extent was the ineptitude of the French monarch a cause of the French Revolution?

The French revolution in 1789 was a pivotal event that would unalterably change the country’s social values and political system. However 18th century France was not significantly different from the country of former years with the totalitarian ancient regime ruling. One reason for its downfall was its inability to modify in the face of a changing world. But neither was the French revolution caused by any single momentous event. It was instead a gradual process of reform through a series of developments. A statement of the essential cause of the revolution as "collision between a powerful, rising bourgeoisie and an entrenched aristocracy defending its privileges" 

One factor that was crucial to this changing world, and ultimately to the French revolution, was that the 18th century bought about the age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was not a new craze but was a continuous historical intellectual movement. This movement advocated ‘ as a means to establish an authoritative system of , , and ’. The intellectual leaders of this movement (known as the philosophes) regarded themselves as courageous and elite. The philosophes were a group of  intellectuals of the   encouraged reason, knowledge and education as a way of overcoming  and ignorance such as Rousseau were seen as radical with revolutionary ideas however they themselves were far from being revolutionists. They challenged the age-old assumptions about society based upon tradition. France was unable to keep this new way of thinking out of the country with the army bringing back a strong influence with them from fighting in the American civil war and what the war stood for. The success of the Americans to overthrow British rule encouraged the French to fight for their freedom.

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The ideas and writings of Enlightenment thinkers like Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau became widespread. The French people were inspired to go against their king.

Louis XVI was an absolute monarch and therefore held all power. Known as the ‘Divine Right of Kings’ it meant that the king’s authority came directly from - and he was answerable only to – God himself. The people of the 3rd estate in France had grown to resent their monarch and royal absolutism. Beloved by the people at first, his indecisiveness and conservatism led the people to reject and persecute him for the perceived tyranny of ...

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