To what extent does the Agricultural Industry comply with Health and Safety legislation?

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Research Methods

Assignment 1

Research Proposal

Submission Date – 1st April 2004 

Word count = 2701 (excluding cover page, contents page and appendices) 


Title        Page 2

Background        Page 2

Research aims/questions        Page 6

Research Objectives        Page 6

 Methodology        Page 7

 Primary Research        Page 8

 Secondary Research        Page 9

 Sampling         Page 11

 Timetable        Page 11

 References        Page 12

 Appendix 1        Page 14

 Appendix 2        Page 14

 Appendix 3        Page 14

Appendix 4        Page 15

Appendix 5        Page 15

 Appendix 6        Page 15

 Appendix 7        Page 15

 Appendix 8        Page 15

 Appendix 9        Page 16

 Appendix 10        Page 23

  1. Title

Either personal or academic issues may influence the subject area chosen for research; White (2000) suggests that when choosing a topic consideration should be given to various issues (see appendix 1) to ensure success is achieved.

The recommendations have led to the following title being chosen:

To what extent does the Agricultural Industry

 comply with Health and Safety legislation?

  1. Background

Gill and Johnson (2002)suggest “any research project will necessitate reading what has been written on the subject and gathering it together in a critical review”. This will provide awareness of the current situation and how the proposed research is going to add to what is already known, although White (2000) states that “other peoples work must not simple be described”, but “criticised and analysed”.

Any research project will necessitate the gathering of information previously written on the subject area. Gill and Johnson suggest that this will:

  • Demonstrate some awareness of the current state of knowledge on the subject.

  • Provide limitations

  • Refine research questions

  • Describe subject

  • Provide insights into topic area

  • Provide clear description and evaluation of theories and concepts

Many studies have been carried out within the farming industry, covering a wide area; obtaining the relevant reports to establish whether they contribute to the research is essential.

Increased attention is being paid to Health and Safety issues in the workplace by national governments and international bodies. The education and enforcement of regulations are most difficult to achieve in small work units; nowhere more is this the case than in farming, which may have the disadvantage of isolation. One of the main issues surrounding the agricultural industry is that a farm is a home and a workplace, with a further hazard of the involvement of children and the elderly.

“An accident is an unplanned event which occurs within a planned programme and is actually or potentially harmful to the worker” (Graham, Bennett, 1998). Depending on the severity of the injury there are costs to both the employee and employer, according to Foot and Hook (1999) these costs can include:

  • Cost of lost time and production due to absence caused by the injury.
  • Cost of lost time and production due to dealing with the injury.
  • Cost of replacement worker or of training the replacement.
  • Cost of replacing broken machinery or unsafe machinery or equipment.
  • Cost of compensation to the injured employee
  • Higher insurance premiums if the organisation’s accident record is not good.
  • Costs involved in carrying out a full investigation into the cause of the accident.
  • Cost of paying fines or even facing imprisonment if the employer was to blame for the accident.
  • Cost of poor morale within the workforce.
  • Cost of people not being willing to work for the organisation because of the poor reputation for safety.


Many theorists have attempted to develop a theory for accident causation, trying to identify, isolate and eventually remove the contributory cause of the accident. W H Heinrich (1931), (see Appendix 2) although this theory is useful no data was provided, therefore complete understanding is impossible. Similarly, the following theories ‘Multiple causation’ (see appendix 3), ‘Pure chance’ (See appendix 4), ‘Biased chance’ (see appendix 5), ‘Accident proneness’ (see appendix 6), ‘Energy transfer’ (see appendix 7) and ‘Symptoms versus causes’ (see appendix 8) will all influence the research and will be investigated to discover any links to the farming industry.  

“Agriculture remains the major sector with the highest rates of ill-health and fatal injuries”. “The fatal injury rate in agriculture for 2001-2002 was 9.2 fatalities per 100,000 workers” and “in a ten year period from 1992-93 to 2001-02 a total of 497 people have be killed as a result of agricultural work related activities and many more have been injured or suffer from ill health”.  Included within these figures are a substantial number of children who have in many instances died as a result of the industry, “between 1990 and 2000, 44 children were killed in farm accidents – all of which could have been prevented”.

The overall cost of injuries and deaths have a major impact on the families of the industry as well as on society. “The cost of accidents at work is enormous, both in human suffering and in lost production, and the management of every company should give special attention to improving safety”. A report by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) estimates the cost to society of accidents in agriculture to be £122 million, whilst the cost to farms and farm workers being £106.6 million.

Much of the labour force employed within this industry will be ‘unskilled’, so it may be that basic health and safety should included in the school curriculum. Alternatively if the severity of these accidents and deaths were highlighted, managers and owners would be more aware of the consequences of employing unskilled workers.

Safety can be defined as “absence from danger and avoidance of injury”, according to this definition we should expect employers to do everything possible to keep employees away from danger and free from injury while at work. Health is defined as “being physically and mentally well with body and mind in excellent working order”, this goes beyond safety, and the employer should also seek to promote activities that encourage good health of the employee.

The HSE along with the Department of Health, and Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have “developed a three year program to study the health of farmers and other agricultural workers”, obviously highlighting the concern within this industry. This report may provide information on the health of workers within this area; it may be that if the industry is suffering from ill health in workers that it will be a contributing factor to the number of accidents and deaths associated with the industry.

The HSE have also developed a “farm – Self Assessment – Pilot” scheme, this interactive software was available free to download from their website. It allowed the user to “carry out compressive health and safety assessment of their farms to help raise awareness in the industry”. This pilot ran from September to December 2003, with a target of 500 assessments, after this date persons who took part would be contacted for their comments.  This report will provide essential information provided on the level of health and safety practices that are currently used within the industry.

Studies of stress among farmers previously undertaken may be a contributing factor to the research. For example Walker and Walker (1998) studied the occurrence of self-reported symptoms (fatigue, loss of temper, difficulty in relaxing) and discovered higher occurrences in women than men and among younger farmers. Simkin and others (1988) undertook questionnaire survey of random farmers in England and Wales; the results indicated that 79% had financial worries and 23% financial problems. The psychological autopsy approach of Hawton et al (1998) showed concerns about the elevated risk of suicide among farmers in England and Wales. These reports deal with the psychological area of farming; it may be that areas such as these are contributing to the number of farming accidents.

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A ten-year study by Burnett (1992) noted an increase in the level of accidents during the introduction of milk quotas and during a sharp fall in sheep prices, again suggesting psychological problems.

Standford (1991) carried out research into industrial diseases in the farming industry, which included awareness of Health and Safety practices implemented on farms in Ireland. The reports findings show that large numbers of the accidents occurred could be avoided.

The “Fatal Injuries” report also concludes that many of the accidents and deaths were avoidable, had proper risk assessments been carried out.

The “Farmwise” publication also ...

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