Does Arresting Batterers Do More Harm Than Good?
Does Arresting Batterers Do More Harm Than Good? Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used by one intimate partner or spouse to control the other. A domestic violence abuser may be physically violent, and may also use threats, intimidation, or isolation to control the victim. Abusers may be emotionally or sexually abusive, and may frequently try to control their partners or spouses by controlling family finances. Domestic violence is a major problem in the world today and the issue of whether arresting batterers does more harm than good is always a topic of discussion. Janell D. Schmidt, supervisor of the Milwaukee County Child Protective Services, and professor of criminology Lawrence W. Sherman argue that arresting batterers in many cases does more harm than good, and they advocate alternatives to mandatory arrest. On the other hand, Evan Stark, associate professor of public administration and social work contends that those who argue against arresting batterers completely misunderstand the depth of women's exploitation by the legal system, and that arresting batterers is a vital step for female empowerment and for women's achieving full citizenship status (Monk, 2001: 84). Either way, both sides have reasonable arguments in determining what is the best means of dealing with domestic violence disputes. Sherman and Schmidt searched for alternatives methods other
"Commercial English" - "Barnes & Noble vs.".
Abschlussarbeit Zum Proseminar "Commercial English" WS 2003/04 Prof. Weissenböck "Barnes & Noble vs." Claudia Söls Austeingasse 33 8020 Graz 9912351 B 343 / 312 Joachim Gruber Körösistrasse 102/16 8010 Graz 0111382 B 343 /295 2. Februar, 2004 "Barnes & Noble vs." Table of Contents . Introduction p. 3 2. Traditional Bookselling p. 3 2.1. Publishers p. 4 2.2. Wholesalers p. 4 2.3. Retailers p. 5 3. Barnes & Noble's Traditional Business Model(s) p. 6 3.1. Procurement and Logistics p. 6 3.2. Store Operations p. 7 3.3. Marketing p. 8 4.'s Business Model(s) p. 9 4.1. Procurement and Logistics p. 10 4.2. Store Operations p. 10 4.3. Marketing p. 11 5. Barnes & Noble's Online Offensive p. 12 6.'s Response p. 12 7. Conclusion p. 13 8. Appendix p. 14 . Introduction Our term paper will deal with the competition of the traditional bookseller Barnes & Noble and the web-based bookstore in online book retailing. Based on an article of the Harvard Business School1, we will take a closer look at bookselling in the US and we will show which measures are taken by the two companies to establish predominance in the online market for books. First, we will give some general information about bookselling. Then, we will look at the business models of Barnes & Noble and Finally, we will
Security for costs - Defending an arbitration, particularly in complex disputes can be expensive.
Security for costs Defending an arbitration, particularly in complex disputes can be expensive. The general principle in Hong Kong arbitration is to have costs follow the event, an award allowing a successful respondent to recover his costs from the claimant will be of little value if it cannot be enforced because the claimant is insolvent or his assets are located in a jurisdiction which makes recovery difficult. An order of security for costs will ensure that there are funds against which the respondent can enforce an award in his favour, but there is also a risk that a respondent may apply for such an order simply to stifle a valid claim. +++ Security for costs is the opposite of security for the claim. Security for claim involves the claimant seeking to secure his claim against the respondent. But security for costs is a request by the respondent against the claimant. The logic is: If the respondent turns out to be successful in the defence, he should get his costs. +++ Traditionally, the power to order the claimant to give security for costs was outside the arbitrator's statutory jurisdiction and application to be made to the Court. The s. 2GB of the HKAO bring fundamental changes to the law and practice of arbitration in Hong Kong. In s. 2GB(1), it provides "When conducting arbitration proceedings, an arbitral tribunal may make orders or give directions dealing
In today's world, the problems of drug access in prisons have increased dramatically. Visitors and staff are the main sources of the drugs because they have the easiest connections to the outside world.
The Drug Accessibility in Prisons Heidi VanMetre Criminal Law for Criminal Justice CJ230-02 August 7, 2006 In today's world, the problems of drug access in prisons have increased dramatically. Visitors and staff are the main sources of the drugs because they have the easiest connections to the outside world. Even though prisons have camera, a large amount of guards, and strip searches of the inmates after visitations, the prisoners have become intelligent enough to discover the secrets of getting drugs inside of prisons. Not only are drugs in prisons a threat to the other staff and inmates due to the diseases that get spread, they also become a "threat to the community because if an inmate does not stop their drug habits while incarcerated, they have greater of a chance at re-offending once released" ("Drugs in Prisons", 2005). Many people wonder how staff and visitors do not get caught with the drugs they bring inside of the prisons gates. Most are intelligent enough to know that when entering a prison one will be searched and patted down. So to get drugs inside of prisons "people bring them In body cavities, or carried in by staff who do not receive a search, and put in the false bottoms of shoes and on the back of envelope stamps" ("Drugs in Prisons",2005). A person will go through just about any type of measure to get drugs into a prison facility for extra cash
Discuss whether class has taken over from race as the most significantficant factor in African Ameri
Discuss whether class has taken over from race as the most significantficant factor in African Ameri The main idea behind this essay will be to look at the effects of race and class on the economic position of African Americans, and to try to define whether race or class that is the most significant factor in African American poverty. It is not really a comprehensive study of black poverty and its real causes, but more a discussion of two opposing schools of thought. The first school of thought professes that the main reason for black poverty is the factor of racism, while the second school of thought professes that the class positions in America have now superseded the race barrier, and therefore the main factor in any poverty in America, whether white or non-white is the issue of class and economic status. __Maybe the real question though is whether such a study is relevant, in terms of whether it is possible to divide the issues of race and class in African American poverty. Although many scholars now profess that class is the predominant factor in black poverty, the fact that it is still treated as a separate issue must suggest that African American poverty is something _ ð73 _Šdifferent to white poverty. The only defining characteristic is the racial one. __There are some provisos that must be noted though, in any consideration of these arguments, and those are
"The Legal Aspects of Management in China".
"The Legal Aspects of Management in China" Hong Kong Company Law:- Let us have a brief idea of the share in Hong Kong because we can protect our interest by acquiring different types and different amount of share. Preference shares The issue of preferences shares must be authorized by a company's memorandum. The shares entitle the holder to some priority over the ordinary shareholders, and usually carry a preferential right to payment of dividend at a fixed rate. Ordinary shares Ordinary shareholders are entitled to be paid a dividend on their shares only after all preference dividends have been paid and, if the preference shares have priority for repayment of capital in a winding up, the ordinary shareholders are entitled to be repaid only after the preference capital has been repaid in full. Ordinary shareholders expect to receive a larger dividend than preference shareholders. Their loss will be greater if the company fails. Most of the voting power at the general meeting will belong to the ordinary shareholders: preference shareholders are usually given a right to vote only on resolutions which directly affect them. Redeemable shares Both ordinary and preference shares are redeemable. These shares will be redeemed at some specified time, or they may be redeemed at the company's or shareholder's option. Majority rule of shareholders: All the powers of a company
Does prison meet the needs of prisoners?
Does prison meet the needs of prisoners? Prisoners in Britain come in all forms: men, women, black, white, Asian, young, old, disabled, Christian, catholic and Muslim. Naturally, they all have different needs but the question is, can prison in today's contemporary society cater for all of the different types of prisoner? Women represent only a small minority of the prison population, and this is true on both a global and national scale. At January 2000, in England and Wales, there were 3,240 female prisoners, which represented 5.1% of the prison population. This figure puts the female prison population at its highest since 1905 (Devlin 1998). Devlin argues that women become 'invisible' as soon as they pass through the prison gates as they are subsumed into a world that is predominantly masculine and insensitive to their very different needs. Since feminism really flowered in the 1970's studies have shown the criminal justice system to be patriarchal, stereotyping women at all stages of the process. Women are said to be particularly more vulnerable in prison because many of them are in jail for their first time and most of them will not have expected to have been given a custodial sentence according to 'Managing the needs of female prisoners', commissioned by the Home Office. Devlin found that the women in her studies highlighted many of the things that need to be changed in
International Law: The Role of Foreign Lawyers in Japan
International Law: The Role of Foreign Lawyers in Japan Introduction Despite the western influences on modern Japanese law, there has been a reluctance to allow foreign attorneys to practice in Japan. Although recently a new bill has been placed before the Diet to relax the restrictions on foreign lawyers, even if passed, strict constraints on their scope of practice will still exist. This paper will highlight the problems facing foreign lawyers not only in terms of the limitations of their work, but their role in society and the difficulties faced in adapting to life in Japan Historical role of foreign lawyers in modern Japan In 1859 after many years of isolation, under much external and internal pressure, Japan opened up its borders to the outside world, allowing foreign trade. With the foreign trade came the inevitable presence of foreign lawyers to protect the foreign interests. Since then, Japanese attitudes and regulation towards foreign lawyers have run parallel to their state of international co-operation or isolation. Thus from the 1860's to the 1930's, or during the post-war occupation, foreign lawyers were welcomed, whilst during the prelude to the Second World War and the post-occupation assertion of nationalism and independence, foreign lawyers were prejudiced against with virtual prohibition of practice. Until recently, foreign attorneys have found high
FACULTY OF LAW UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA ENUGU CAMPUS A TERMPAPER SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE LAW 513: LAW OF ARBITRATION II TOPIC THE RELEVANCE OF ARBITRATION AND ADR IN CONSUMER PROTECTION IN NIGERIA GROUP ONE Abonyi Ikedi 2007/146864 Achebe Nneamaka C 2006/141695 Adeleye Yetunde R 2007/149717 Agharese Osayuki J 2007/150633 Aguboshim Felix 2007/147832 01 JULY 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents ............................................................................ 2 Introduction ................................................................................ 3 Chapter one: Definition of terms ..................................................... 4 Chapter two: Types, features and Benefits of ADR and Arbitration ........ 6 Chapter three: ADR and Arbitration in Consumer Protection under the AAA .... 10 Chapter four: ADR and Arbitration in Consumer Protection Law in Nigeria ..... 18 Chapter five: Conclusion and Recommendations ................................... 21 INTRODUCTION Despite historical resistance to ADR by many popular parties and their advocates, ADR has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal profession in recent years. In fact, some courts now require some parties to resort to ADR of some type usually mediation before permitting the parties' cases to be
'Cyber space' is completely independent from 'Real space'.
'Cyber space' is completely independent from 'Real space' London School of Commerce Affiliated to Charles Sturt University, Australia Course Title: Bachelor in business studies Module : LAW 395 Module title: E-Commerce and the Law. Submitted to : Mr Anand Walser Assignment 1. Submitted by : Madan Gupta Student Id no : 860199. Table Of Contents Page no. . Executive Summary 3. 2. Introduction 4 3. Cyberspace and Real Space 5 4. Importance of Cyberspace 6 5. The evolving nature of cyberspace 10 6. Identity In the cyberspace. 11 7. Cyber World in day to day life 12 8. Conclusion 13 9. Reference 14 0. Bibliography 15 1. Appendix 16. Executive summary. This assignment is based on the evolution of the cyber world. Here it will be discussed the impact of the cyber world in the real life. As the assignment progress it will be explained how they are related to each other and how are they dependent on one another. Email, www, , websites , love and dating has become a common stuff today on the internet. Businessess , relationship, crime, human interaction and above all the different behaviour makes this internet a digital world which could be considered as the cyber space. When cyber space