Linguistics biasness amongst men and women in Malaysia

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Linguistics biasness amongst men and women in Malaysia


The feminist movement in the 1970s has paved the way for reform of the use of sexist language. Traditionally, the word ‘he’ or ‘man’ as in ‘mankind’ has been used to describe both sexes. Pauwels (2001) conducted a study on the use of gender pronouns in Australian public speech and found that the masculine generic pronoun ‘he’ was used extensively and almost exclusively (approximately 95%) in the pre-reform era (1960s and 1970s). The language used portrayed a very androcentric world. Feminist argued that women’s rights and equality were at stake when their identity fell under the blanket of a male symbol (Spenders, 1980 as cited in Holmes & Meyerhoff, 2003). As men were traditionally in organisational roles, they were prominent in language planning and policy making (Pauwels, 2001). In the pre-reform era, the generic ‘he’ and ‘man’ still evoked a mental imaginary of the male sex and masculinity (Pauwels, 2001). A few studies have showed that sex bias in language elicits sex bias in attitudes and thoughts (Pauwels 1998). Through time, women have continued to challenge the boundaries of their role in society, breaking beyond the identity of a homemaker. Hence feminist commentators called for a need for language reform and gender-neutral pronouns.                                                                                      

The generic ‘she’ was introduced in addition to alternating masculine and feminine pronouns throughout text but was not widely accepted (Pauwels, 2001). The pronoun he/she was also introduced but received critique that the use of it was awkward and ineloquent especially when used in speech. Consequently, it is not versatile enough to be used extensively. Another suggestion of reform is to use the word ‘they’ as a singular pronoun. Proponents of it said that this would be effective as it is already widely used and thus compliance would be higher as compared to using a newly coined word. Conversely, critics underlined the importance of being grammatically correct and the acceptance of ‘they’ as a singular pronoun will steer English language users away from grammatical accuracy (Pauwels, 2001).

Another area which concerns many feminist is the gender marking in nouns describing occupation or human classes. In strides with the language reform, occupational nomenclature has been re-examined. Gender neutral words for occupational nouns are preferred as compared to –man compounds. For example, the neutral version of chairman is chairperson, chair or head. Spokesperson is preferred in contrast to spokesman. Although many nouns in the English language do not refer to any specific gender, high status occupations such as surgeon or lawyer are commonly associated with the generic pronoun he (Holmes & Meyerhoff, 2003).

The title Ms which was introduced in the 1970s was intended to replace Mrs or Miss (Ehrlich & King, 1992). The aim was to create an equivalent of the title Mr. whereby no marital status needed to be divulged. However, the implementation and the intended use were deemed idealistic by many due to the misuse that ensued (Ehrlich & King, 1992).

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Gender issue in Malaysia

“Still far from equal” was the headline of the Malaysian local newspaper in 2011 highlighting the status of women in Malaysia (Azizan, 2011). In 1982, there were only 72,500 female employed graduates as compared to 155,600 male employed graduates (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2011, p. 10). Although in 2010, the number of female employed graduates (965,100) was almost on par with male employed graduates (1065,500) (Department of Statistics, Malaysia 2011, pg 10), the wage gap is still significant and women may be paid up to 50% less in the private sector (Ahmad, 1998, pg 38). Feminism ...

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