'The new girl'.
'The new girl' Wow what a month it was. I barely know where to begin. Let's start by admitting that it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I would've preferred to be back at my old school, however, it was okay going to a school that had no boys at it. My first week was horrendous, though. I was the new girl and I was stared at and asked a hell of a lot of questions. All the girls were sussing me out to see if I had the potential to fit into their gangs, however, I don't think that I made a very good impression; nobody was rushing to sit next to me in class, or inviting me to join their groups at lunchtime. I spent every afternoon of my first week at Mary MacKillop College crying and complaining to mum about how much my new school sucked. Poor Mum, if only I had known that she was having a hard time herself fitting into her new work placement. However, in my usual style, when things are bad, I don't think about anyone else's feelings but my own. It wasn't until Dad told me that me how upset mum was that I realised how totally selfish I was being and how I should've been trying to help her, instead of making life hell for all of us. I decided to write off that first week and start fresh with the second week. I got up extra early on the Monday morning and as I was strolling to school, I kept thinking about what my sister had said to me. "You should think yourself
Gloria - creative writing.
Corby Welch Page 1 English 101 Term Paper April 26th, 2002 Gloria The night was March 23rd 8 P.M. and my best friend walked into my house fully dressed and ready to go. I spent my entire week ruing this moment. I have had a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach all day. I know tonight will be a challenge of my patience, morals, and most importantly my friendship. Rishi walks into my house and finds me sitting on my bed not quite ready to go. One glance at me reveals the stress on my face and my discomfort with the impending struggle. He stares at me and says, " Come on lets go, tonight we are going to meet Gloria in the city, I need you to keep an open mind and be there for me. The last few weeks have been very tough. I have done some things that I am not proud of. I know you're a little confused right now but by the end of the night it will all be clear. My life is gonna change from now on and I may not be around as much as I use to. I may do something that will make you mad at me soon you will understand. Gloria is a very possessive woman. There are just some things I have to do on my own. You are the only one I am revealing this to and I ask that you do not rush to judgement and give Gloria a chance. On Thursday February 28th after an unfruitful trip to Brooklyn in search of my future place of residence, Rishi and I stood at Pier Eleven at the
The Silent Fight
The Silent Fight There are times when the art of communication is extremely important, and the consequences of not expressing yourself accurately can cost you someone you love. I have a huge problem of not communicating very well. It usually does not affect me daily, but when conflict arises I tend to shut down. There are major problems with the "shut down" method. Once I shut down, I do not voice my opinions or feeling on the issue at hand. Another dilemma I find myself in is speaking without thinking through the thought. I just blurt out whatever is on the tip of my tongue and ignore all reason. The time I find this most detrimental is when communicating with my husband during conflict. We have devised a plan to help with our lack of good communication skills. Due to the problems we have communicating, we have decided to communicate through writing when tensions flare up. We first noticed we had a problem with communication when a simple discussion would turn into an hour argument. Take for example the money issue. We would set aside time to talk about our finances or lack of, and some how it would turn into a finger pointing argument. After the dispute was over we could look back and see exactly how it transpired. My husband is very direct. He tells it like it is all the time. I would take his directness as accusations against me and in return become
The Veil; Reasons Behind Its Removal
Sarah El Tarzi 900010574 The Veil; Reasons Behind Its Removal Dr. Chad Haines Anthropology 380 Research paper Introduction: Having seen the contradicting opinions regarding the concept of the veiled teenager, I have always been interested in the stories behind why a teenage girl, 20 years or younger, would decide to be veiled and a few months later decide that she should not be. The issue of being veiled at such an early (in my personal opinion) age was one that was frequently visited in several classes and among my friends, and I saw this as an opportunity to research the topic further. I study psychology at the American University in Cairo, and since I am immensely interested in how a person comes to decisions and behaves certain ways. I never understood the idea behind being veiled at such an early age, not only because no one in my family is veiled, but actually because some people who I was acquainted with got veiled (later removing it). Choosing to be veiled is a serious and sensitive subject that requires the person to be fully certain of their beliefs since they are choosing to conduct their lives in a different way than they had before. The magnitude of faith that is involved in this decision is something that impressed me, but was shattered when almost 70% of the people that I was familiar with ended up taking the veil off later. I decided that perhaps
Write an essay about a past experience that was difficult at the time but about which you have found newfound feelings or have learned a great deal.
Eric King Mrs. Overly Engl.1301.14 September 14, 2003 Example Writing - Ch.2 P.81 #2 Write an essay about a past experience that was difficult at the time but about which you have found newfound feelings or have learned a great deal. XXXXX The summer after my sophomore year of high school, I took a school-sponsored trip to Spain with my Spanish teachers and other students from the high school. During this trip I got to meet a lot of new people and became good friends with some of them. I especially liked one girl in particular, Tricia. We had lots of fun together during the trip and became quite fond of each other; since she was a senior and I was just a junior I did not think that we would be anything more than just friends. As time went on we began liking each other more and more and we eventually began dating. During the school year we went to all the dances together and had the best time in all that we did. Throughout that year our relationship grew stronger and stronger. As time went on it seemed that Tricia was the "perfect girl" for me. After the school year ended, Tricia began getting ready to go off to college to the University of Texas at Austin. As the time for her to leave became closer, I did not want her to leave, but I knew she had to. We made the decision to stay together even though two hundred miles separated us from each other; however, we knew the
"Who is this?" said Jessica, gasping down the phone.
"Who is this?" said Jessica, gasping down the phone. "Blood, blood, my stomach, my head." Someone had rang Jessica. "Excuse me. Hello, Are you alright?" The phone went dead. Jessica used ring back on her phone. She picked up David her friend's mobile number. She rang his number but no one picked up. She hurried down the stairs and ran out the front door. She ran over her driveway and jumped across the lumps of tar that the stars reflected on. The rusty gate that led into the alleyway was jammed. She pushed it one or twice and it zoomed open. Her thin long legs started to pick up pace as she ran through the open topped alleyway. This led her out on to the next estate. Within the five houses of the estate only one family was in their house. This was David's family. This was because the electric was off and David's family tried to refrain from using electricity except for the essentials, so they really didn't care about leaving. Jessica stood outside Davids house astounded. The front door was half open and one of the windows was cracked. Suddenly, a black figure glided across the front door. Jessica's heart jumped up her throat. She thought she was hallucinating, because only five minutes ago she was in the land of nod. You could tell that Jessica was quite frightened a mile away if you saw her. Her face was as white as a ghost and her eyes were wide open as if crystals had
There was another missing person poster gone up in the window of the local shop
There was another missing person poster gone up in the window of the local shop, this time the poster had a photo of a teenager called Dave Edwards. This was the third missing person in just two weeks. It was starting to get a regular thing now and everyone started to get suspicious and very scared. Their seemed to be a diffinate connection between all three too as they were all the same age and all attended the same high school. Rumours had been going around that people were starting to go missing around a certain area which surrounded a large mansion house. It was a very historical house which was built many centuries ago, because of this many peoples suspicions rose as this building was rumoured to be haunted. Even though many people didn't believe this after this string of events any pessimistic person would start to believe anything. An old man walking past this large mansion house heard bullets firing around him, reports of an old man seeing something in the window of the mansion house as he looked up as this old man heard a gun like noise. The next day a new boy came into the school which all the missing people attended, he came in saying that he lived in this mansion house and that he knew of what was going on and invited one of the boys back to his house which was indeed the mansion house which people believed to be the main source of all this strange activity. Tom
Creative Writing Piece - Obsession
Obsession As I walked across the stage, my eyes scanned the Great Hall. Amongst the dim light off-stage, I observed a sea of cheerful faces. Friends, parents and relatives of these excited university graduates sat around me, with their cameras flashing proudly. Ironic really, that we had to wear attire consisting entirely of black, on one of the happiest day of our lives. I adjusted the unfamiliar headwear and was caught off-guard when my name was called. "Ashlie Ramsay." After my hand was shaken, I descended the stairs down from the stage and made my way to my seat. At a glance, my eyes met his. A surge of buried emotions started to resurface. In that split second, my mind froze. Feeling tense, I settled down in between my parents and my memories pulled me back to that day when it all started. * "Welcome everyone. I will be teaching you all second year chemistry for this academic year," said Professor Mandal. His eyes swept the lecture theatre and met with mine. I was sitting at the back of the room; a whole row to myself. For a single moment, I felt as though he could see right into the back of my mind. His eyes were dark, intelligent and imposing. Paranoia washed with embarrassment and inferiority crept into my cheeks in the form of a deep red blush. My heart thudded, an ocean of adrenaline raced past my ears so loudly that I swear he could hear it. For the remainder of
A Fathers Abuse
A Fathers Abuse "Under The Influence: Paying the Price of My Father's Booze" is real life experience written by Scott Russell Sanders. We walk with sanders as he experiences hardships of having an alcoholic parent. Sanders loved his father but his dual personality caused Sanders to blame himself. His Father would go from fun loving family man to pathetic drunk. Sanders explains his father's actions from deceitful to a man you can trust, violent to gentle, Angry to happy, and lastly being hateful to loving. Immediately Sanders was aware of his fathers problem. Sanders stated, "I slipped into the garage or barn to see my father tipping back the flat green bottles of wine..." (210). This clearly points out his fathers abuse of the substance and how he tried to hide it from his children. Even though he was a good father he was a deceitful man that lied to himself and his family when he was drinking. When sober on the other hand he would he was a man you could count and depend on. Someone who was helpful and solved math problems with Sanders when he didn't know how. His personality was completely altered though with a drop of alcohol. Instantly he went from an intelligent trusting guy to a deceitful man who could not even comprehend fourth grade math. Constantly Sanders mother would yell at his father for drinking. She didn't like this man intoxicated just like everyone else.
Victory - Running a race.
Victory When the wind hits you head on, make sure to lean forward and tilt your head down. Don't forget to pace yourself, and to draft off the front runners until you make your move. Remember! There is a simple lap to lap formula to winning races. Follow these steps and you're set! Lap one: go easy, and get a feel for the race. Lap two: turn it on a bit, but don't burn yourself out. Lap three is your hardest lap; give it all you have, and worry about lap four when it comes. Last lap: use whatever you have left, or die trying. Robert's words were floating through my brain, with little miniature caricatures of him circling my head, each offering up his own piece of advice. Robert was the captain of the team, and an all state runner. We had a couple coaches for the track team, but all the long distance runners knew who our coach was. I casually went through my stretching regimen, reflecting on the successes of the day. I had already competed in the 3200 meter race that morning, and blown everybody in my heat away. I took the lead on the first turn, and never looked back. I was filled with glee when I saw the girl I had a crush on, with her mouth literally dropped open as she watched me circle the track. As I finished limbering up I realized that I was pretty badly sunburned on my face. My cheeks were hot and flush, but I was nonetheless pleased with the