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Valerie Owunna, K0835950

MSC Information System with Management

CIM 951- Research Methods

Kingston University London


The paper is based on the network diffusion of knowledge in medicine. In the medical field there has been a pressing need to integrate functions from disparate and diverse distribution information system to enhance knowledge dissemination.

The paper describes all the systems of the MedWeaver Architecture with emphasis on the how the MedWeaver integrates medical diagnostic decision support using DXplain, its literature searching using WebMedline and retrieval of clinically useful web site using CliniWeb. WebMedline make uses of UMLS Metathesaurus as a translator.

The paper has also covered the advantage and future challenges of using MedWeaver.

The conclusion summarises some main ideas found while preparing this paper and also the importance of using MedWeaver technology in the medical field.

1. Introduction

Young,M.A.(1967) stated that “the ultimate objective of most health education activities is to change individual, group, community, or societal behaviour.”

The traditional health  and practices of the lay public, in cooperating the changing nature  of health needs and the continuing appearance of research findings relevant to the developing practices and procedures to meet these needs argue for an increase concern with attempts to influence the attitudes  and behaviours of health professionals have been stressed by the educator.

The frequent information needs in clinical practice are unmet (Smith, R.1996).Health sector has been interested in ensuring the rapid application of medical knowledge. The times spend between the releases of a new innovation (knowledge) and when it is used by other health practitioners has deprived people of the opportunity and benefits of these researches (Becker, M.H.1970).

In the past, applications were created by developers by using an existing information source (e.g.MEDLINE) or created a DXplain as a new source and then created functionality that amplified individual source. While, In this new era, developers are able to design systems around the users information needs to retrieve and deliver content at the right time during interaction with the user (Deter,W.M.,Barnett,G.O., and Hersh,W.R.1997).

The rapid growth in the medical field has encouraged expansion of knowledge, yet medical professionals are not aware of these relevant resources that are causing an immense change. It has been observed that the available information released in articles, researches, textbooks and medical journal are slowly disseminated.

Apparently, the obstacles behind this meeting these needs include Inadequate access to clinicians to update their information resources, Poor organization of accessible information, Insufficient amount of time for inquiry, and Lack of interest of clinicians on available important information in their field (Smith, R.1996) and (Demer,W.M. and Shortliffe,E.H.1995).

In order to achieve this goal is a combination of content, information science methods, and technology. Progress has been made by technologist in providing updated information to meet the needs of practitioners by using MebWeaver with a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) that integrates diagnostic decision support (DXplain), literature searching (WebMedline) and retrieval of clinically used websites (CliniWeb) and UMLS Metathesaurus translator (Detmer and Shortliffe 1997).

2. Background

2.1 Information Retrieval

The medical information retrieval systems are widely used in the medical libraries and on the internet. Information retrieval database is grouped as full text and bibliographic (Hersh,W.R.and Hickam,D.1995).The bibliographic database consist of original literature with indexer terms allocated by human indexer trained in medicine, to explore authoritative and relevant medical resources, assigning appropriate controlled vocabulary terms to them from Medical Subject Headings(MeSH) . Full text database consist of books, journals, e.t.c. that rely on index from words written in the entire indexed (Detmer and Shortliffe 1997) and (Hersh, W.R.and Hickam, D.1995).

Hersh,W.R.and Hickam,D.(1995)  describe that the use of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms to retrieve information  is beneficial to librarians that are well trained to use such terms. Clinicians that are inexpert in the use of MeSH terms and as such do not show improved searching performance.

Detmer and Shortliffe (1997) argued in their paper that the web contains a vast collection of medical knowledge: journal, textbooks, e.t.c. recognizing the challenge faced by Clinician to locate this relevant information quickly. Therefore, the resulting controlled indexing term called Medical Subject Headings, have been established to aid the user to pick a specific query term. Thus, eliminating the frustration experienced by the clinicians in remembering the query language necessary to retrieve information, instead resources are navigated by subsequent links with a simplified interface.

2.2 Applications of Technology in Medicine

Medical professionals from different parts of the world are able to expand and disseminate medical knowledge among themselves over the years using the internet technology. Moreover the current internet has been able to meet the information needs of the clinicians by combining this widely distributed system components: technology, content of information and methods used in information science to meet these needs. Internet technology has contributed immensely to the success of medical professionals in medicine by interconnecting the Medweaver gateway with other applications to bring about a simple retrieval of current articles,journal and e.t.c.of knowledge in medicine, which merges these services of WebMedline, CliniWeb, DeXplain, UMLS Metathesaurus and MedWeaver. Initially, the retrieval systems in medicine made use of word-based demonstration approach.

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2.2.1 CliniWeb

CliniWeb was developed by Oregon health Science University as a retrieval system therefore, making it easy for health professionals to locate useful, reliable and related information needs (Hersh,W.R.,et al.1997) and (Detmer and Shortliffe 1997).

CliniWeb has been able to achieve this Practitioners needs by  inventing a database of human filtered, customized web resources for practitioners that are concept-based automated indexing using Medical Subject Headings(MeSH).It functions in a way that as soon as a query (search) is initialized and placed in the database ,the database aids in accessing the request using any of these methods :searching interface ...

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