This report is about the need to upgrade the new computer systems for our company.

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There is a need to acquire a new computer system to bring substantial benefits to the company in the modern business arena.

Report To: Members of the Board of directors


This report is about the need to upgrade the new computer systems for our company.  It also discusses the advantages and the disadvantages of both the old system which is currently used by our company and the new system available at present.  The aim is to bring substantial benefits to the company by using a new computer system which supports multiprogramming and virtual memory.  This is because quality of our products and services are very poor when compare to other companies which are using new computer systems such as Multiprogramming and Virtual Memory.  There are several disadvantages and constraints appear in our current system.  And also the current system is now nearly out of date and may fail to work properly.  The maintenance cost is increasing and the quality of service which the system provides are decreasing.  For these reasons it is time to analyze the current system and to introduce the new system very soon.  

The current system (Single User Batch System)

The current system is using old technology called the batch system.  It is used by several years all over the industrial countries and was very famous.  Its growth brought many changes in the industrial world and human’s working style.  However this technology and its development continued and still carried out by the scientists and the engineers. And also they invented more powerful efficient systems than the batch system.  Furthermore the batch system is now considered as very old inefficient system. The increased performances of the new systems are very higher than the batch system and they outweigh the batch system from its position.  When analyze the current system it is worth to see how the system works and its technological features.

In the batch system, the monitor program is resident in memory and occupied in some memory spaces.  Therefore the memory space for user program is limited and cannot run very large programs.  If the user program is very large and tries to extend in monitor programs space, abort and get the next job.  And also the monitor program uses some valuable processor time as well.  

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 The current system takes considerable time between jobs more than execution time.  This is to say it required setup time during which the operating system was loaded, tapes and disk packs were mounted, appropriate forms were placed in the printer etc.  After completion of one job it needs teardown time as tapes and disk packs were removed, forms were removed, time cards were punched out etc.  During these periods the computer sits idle and the valuable time is wasted.  

Furthermore these single user systems waste a considerable amount of the computing resource.  The program consumes the CPU ...

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