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The following assignment will be looking at the significance of the historic election of November 2008 in the United States which brought Barack Obama to power as the 44th US president. Since the establishment of the modern United States 2 centuries ago, elections were taking place at every four years; presidents were getting elected; others were loosing and election results were always bringing fresh people to power. But the 2008 election was undoubtedly different by all means and at every measure. This election has brought a biracial (black African) man to the presidency for the first time ever in the American history and broke the political racial taboo. Based on this reality as well as other major reasons, commentators, political annalists, historians and scholars collectively considered it as a historic election and will filed in the nations history archives as a political tsunami which struck the entire American system and created a new landscape. This assignment will focus three significant events associated with Obama’s election, IE, the racial aspect, the campaigning and funding techniques used by the Obama camp and lastly, not the least, the religious angle concerning this issue.

There were several exceptional characteristics to the Obama’s election of 2008. The most important aspect was the fact that it has brought to power to an American African president for the first time ever, two sitting senators to run for presidency and the highest turnout in the last forty years. In late 2006 when Obama showed interest for running presidency everyone was almost certain that the US democracy did not evolve enough to give prospect and equal opportunity to every American citizen including those with black background and women. Mainly because of the American foreign and domestic policies failure under the Bush administration, Democratic Party appeared to be gaining an easy victory over the Republicans. Despite all opportunities, lots of people were concerned that the Republican Party may remain in power due to the fact that the front running nominees for the Democratic Party were woman and black man and neither of them, according to some people, was unlikely to convince voters to disregard gender or colour for the first time in their history.

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However, despite strong concerns questioning the maturity of the American democracy, election results has made a decisive answer and showed voters readiness for change and their response to Obama’s slogan for his election campaign ‘Yes we can’. Baring in mine of the racial concerns, Obama has deliberately addressed those still may not easily ingest what had happened. At his victory speech, Obama stated that, "If there is anyone out there, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.” (David Usborne November 2008). All this changes are happening in a country where just fifty years ...

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